Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

Aye. But City played LFC at theirs against their crowd, Arsenal the same at Anfield... LFC get to play the reverse fixture with no fans. Integrity out of the window tbh.

There again it's extraordinary times so we should let it go? Well should we let the records that LFC set stand?
They should all have an asterix against them for sure, but lets not kid ourselves, if they do it will be glorified as the shining light for the world in these dark times, something we should all embrace and rejoice in. A month passes and watch us lift the CL and roll on article after article about how its worthless and doesn't really count.

In all reality i have no enthusiasm or stomach for any football in the current circumstances and even less with the clamour to finish the PL and crown liverpool as champions. When games do start again, sure ill watch them but i wont be jumping up and down if we beat them at an empty stadium. Its just wrong on every level.
So we can't get fucking tests for ourselves, but somehow magically because MONEY is involved, they'll have fucking thousands of tests available for footballers and the (approx) 350 people needed for every game to be played? Not only are the FA and PL culpable here, but the govt are a fucking disgrace if this is allowed. WHO GIVES A SHIT about who wins the premier league or who is relegated/promoted right now? Selfish dickheads, that's who. Give them the fucking title and cancel the season, maybe next season is still a possibility but if its not, fucking cancel that as well or find ways to shorten it so it finishes on time.

For one tests are not accurate also you have to test every day not 2/3 times week.
What if a footballer dies , or staff or a referee ? ......for money , will all the cnuts at the fa , premier league & uefa become anonymous again ? Where will Gordon Taylor hide if one of his members die , it’s that serious.

Or if a player gets its and in turn that player is traced back for the start of another hard lock down and more people dying but hey seems they don give a shit.
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For one tests are not accurate also you have to test every day not 2/3 times week.
According to a study, they think that the test they're using for Covid-19 is giving approx 30% false negatives. This is very alarming IMO. There was an article in the NYT by a Yale professor who thinks the percentage may be even higher.
And where does the testing stop? Are the players going to be locked away from their families for however long till the season finishes? If not, then testing needs to be done to every one of their families as well, surely? What about the staff, are they going to be locked in without their families? And AFAIK, the test results are not immediate, is there someway that MONEY is allowing the PL to get preferential testing with same day results? If so, another fucking disgrace.
I think that life for younger people who dont live with older family should return to normal life very quickly, we cant have young peoples lives being destroyed by no economy to protect people with conditions or many years behind them.

If Mrs Tbilisi and I are to isolate from society until whenever then so be it,I may not be able to go to City,pubs or even see my younger family members in person but if that is the cost then to me it has to be paid.

I say this as someone who is knocking on a bit and has been quietly shitting himself in fear of catching something the last few weeks despite working from home.

Do other people of my age (50s upwards) feel the same?

Yes ,its self preservation my wife is a pensioner with underlying issues and i wouldnt dream of putting her health at risk to watch a game of football , go for a pint or have wonder round some retail outlet to purchase non essential goods.
Don't have an issue with younger people getting back to normal , they need to earn a living and enjoy their lives , but there will be plenty of people in a similar position to me , who will not dare risk breaking this lock down.
But if the government allow things to get back to normal in the next month or so , there will be another peak and another 25k deaths and me and the missus arent going to be one of them.
CTID but hopefully i will have a say on when or where :)
According to a study, they think that the test they're using for Covid-19 is giving approx 30% false negatives. This is very alarming IMO. There was an article in the NYT by a Yale professor who thinks the percentage may be even higher.
And where does the testing stop? Are the players going to be locked away from their families for however long till the season finishes? If not, then testing needs to be done to every one of their families as well, surely? What about the staff, are they going to be locked in without their families? And AFAIK, the test results are not immediate, is there someway that MONEY is allowing the PL to get preferential testing with same day results? If so, another fucking disgrace.

Yep the test is unreliable because the % they test for the virus in the body is to high! can’t understand none of the media in this country mention it much but never stop going on about we must test as many people as possible yep we should but when the test is more accurate at them moment it seems a waste of money.
Those that are running football messers. Greg Clark of the FA, Gordon Taylor of the PFA and the new chairman of the Premier League Gary Hoffman. All need to be lock in a room with some those who have lost loved ones, and were not able to say goodbye to them. They should tell those that have lost loved ones, that it is more important to play football then it is to care for all those who are in hospitals suffering from the coronavirus.

All of these bosses are absolute dick heads, and all of them need an MIR SCAN OF THEIR HEADS TO SEE IF THEY HAVE A BRAIN IN THERE. IF THERE IS ONE IN THERE THEY SHOULD CHECK TO SEE IF THERE IS ANY BLOOD FLOWING THROUGH THEIR BRAINS BECAUSE THEY MUST ALL BE BRAIN DEAD. THIS IS BECAUSE FOOTBALL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLES LIVES. They just don't see that that is the last thing on peoples mind is a game of football. Just what do these idiots want 1,000,000 deaths before they come to their senses.

I have just watch the news where they were talking to a young lady of 28yrs old. This lady has just lost her 29yr old boyfriend. He had a heart attack in hospital which was brought on by the coronavirus. This virus does not care how old or young you are it can kill you.

So to continue to talk about restarting football is an absolute disgrace, and it disrespects all those who have lost there lives to this virus. To me it is like playing the game over the graves of all those who have lost their lives to this coronavirus.
To all MAN CITY FANS if any of you have lost loved ones during this pandemic, my heart goes out to you. I do know how you feel. Back between March 2009 and April 2011, I lost 7 members of my family and relations, and believe me the last thing on my mind was a game of football. I have a season ticket, and lost so much money on them by missing games. However to me family will always come first.

So this talk from the heads of all the football bodies just breaks my heart. They must be totally blind or totally stupid, or maybe even both. If they think that by bring the game back this will lift the mood of the nation, not to my mind. Lives matter more than any game of football.
I would love to pose 1 question to al those bosses see below for the question.

This would be the question. You have a choice you either bring back the game of football, or you lose one of your family members to this coronavirus. Which do you chose, there is no if's or but's. One or the other will happen, which do you want. If you my fellow blues ask yourself this same question. I have asked myself this same question and it was family first, always was and always will be.
I think that life for younger people who dont live with older family should return to normal life very quickly, we cant have young peoples lives being destroyed by no economy to protect people with conditions or many years behind them.

If Mrs Tbilisi and I are to isolate from society until whenever then so be it,I may not be able to go to City,pubs or even see my younger family members in person but if that is the cost then to me it has to be paid.

I say this as someone who is knocking on a bit and has been quietly shitting himself in fear of catching something the last few weeks despite working from home.

Do other people of my age (50s upwards) feel the same?

Only speaking for myself here, but I couldn't give less of a shit about football or the economy while I can't see my own flesh and blood because they are having to isolate.

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