Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

To all MAN CITY FANS if any of you have lost loved ones during this pandemic, my heart goes out to you. I do know how you feel. Back between March 2009 and April 2011, I lost 7 members of my family and relations, and believe me the last thing on my mind was a game of football. I have a season ticket, and lost so much money on them by missing games. However to me family will always come first.

So this talk from the heads of all the football bodies just breaks my heart. They must be totally blind or totally stupid, or maybe even both. If they think that by bring the game back this will lift the mood of the nation, not to my mind. Lives matter more than any game of football.
I would love to pose 1 question to al those bosses see below for the question.

This would be the question. You have a choice you either bring back the game of football, or you lose one of your family members to this coronavirus. Which do you chose, there is no if's or but's. One or the other will happen, which do you want. If you my fellow blues ask yourself this same question. I have asked myself this same question and it was family first, always was and always will be.
You are quite correct, they are effectively playing Russian Roulette with people's lives if they conclude games must be played to early
Aye. But City played LFC at theirs against their crowd, Arsenal the same at Anfield... LFC get to play the reverse fixture with no fans. Integrity out of the window tbh.

There again it's extraordinary times so we should let it go? Well should we let the records that LFC set stand?

Whatever solution they come up with will be shit. Liverpool have won every home game this season and haven't lost at home in 2 years. Its stands to reason they will be more likely to lose at home in these conditions than with fans. I also think they are less likely to get the beat City's records in those conditions.

Arsenal will benefit from playing City and Spurs in empty stadiums, while they have Liverpool and Leicester in an empty home stadium, most teams have 9 games left, some will have 4 home games and others 5. City having 6 is unfortunate and for me they are the only obvious losers in this all be it with little to play for.

Its swings and roundabouts, next season will be probably be the same, I can see at least half of it being behind closed doors, again some teams will have an advantage and others won't. You weigh that up against the prospect of no football for a year or more and decide what you think is right. I don't think there is a right answer, people wanting football back are just as right as those that don't want it back without fans. Personally I'm gagging for a game of ball, if it's in the local park or on telly I'll be all over it.
The next time someone from the BBC talks about playing games behind closed doors they need pointing in the direction of their own match report from when England played Croatia in those conditions back in 2018.

They used words such as farcical, eerie and weird so don't tell us that playing behind closed doors now would be in any way positive
Whatever solution they come up with will be shit. Liverpool have won every home game this season and haven't lost at home in 2 years. Its stands to reason they will be more likely to lose at home in these conditions than with fans. I also think they are less likely to get the beat City's records in those conditions.

Arsenal will benefit from playing City and Spurs in empty stadiums, while they have Liverpool and Leicester in an empty home stadium, most teams have 9 games left, some will have 4 home games and others 5. City having 6 is unfortunate and for me they are the only obvious losers in this all be it with little to play for.

Its swings and roundabouts, next season will be probably be the same, I can see at least half of it being behind closed doors, again some teams will have an advantage and others won't. You weigh that up against the prospect of no football for a year or more and decide what you think is right. I don't think there is a right answer, people wanting football back are just as right as those that don't want it back without fans. Personally I'm gagging for a game of ball, if it's in the local park or on telly I'll be all over it.

You can think whatever you like, its a fact that LFC dont have to play at their nearest rivals stadium whilst they set new records! Any records set (And they could go on to get 109 points with NOT having to play at the Etihad or Arsenal) would that be valid?

So next year, for us to do the same would be fair - ALL teams level playing field, no favours to those who we feel were going to win it anyway. I see no issues with that.
If players are forced to play for teams with nowt to play for there work rate incentive will be zero! How can any footballer be enthusiastic about playing any football game while 100 of people a dying daily while millions of people can’t go out who are over 70 or underlying health problems?! Cant get my head around it.
If players are forced to play for teams with nowt to play for there work rate incentive will be zero! How can any footballer be enthusiastic about playing any football game while 100 of people a dying daily while millions of people can’t go out who are over 70 or underlying health problems?! Cant get my head around it.

I don't disagree but this is increasingly looking something that is not going to go away in 3/6 or even 12 months so at some point people and life will have to resume to a certain extent. I'm sure other sports like boxing and tennis will also resume in a few months but without crowds too.

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