Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

Well this thread took a turn, fucking hell

And I'm not being funny, who the fuck falls accidentally pregnant in their 30s
I've always had an issue with the term 'falling pregnant'. I get it's from a more innocent time, but to me I just envisage a young girl falling over and landing vadge first on an erupting cock. What are the chances?

Back on topic and I'm finding the new normal pretty shit. There's quite a lot of stuff I was planning on doing and just don't see if happening.
Well we were doing ok up until last night when a manager told us to listen to the latest zoom roundup when it's released shortly. We had a bid in for an existing project which is merging with another which we didn't have. Sadly we got blown out which means we've lost the one we did have. It formed probably half of our income so we're just waiting for the redundancy notices now sadly. I always thought I'd cheer when it happened but I feel unaccountably sad. I'm on my 4 year countdown for retirement so it looks like I'm getting early practise.
We do ok thankfully. Household income of £60k with 2 12 year olds but we live in Dumfries and Galloway fairly cheaply by national standards and we want for nothing really.
Looking for different job opportunities at the moment. Also think to talk to a financial advisor and ask him about the common mistakes i do in my budgeting. So far contacted raisin customer service and probably will stick with them. Wish me good luck with that.
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My promised permanent contract at work hasn’t materialised because management are a shambles. Most of the office want out so I’m never going to sign regardless. I’ve an operation early next year and I’m going to update my CV and piss off after recovery.

I’m on my own so I get by ok. More pay and cheaper prices would be nice but I’ve got what I need at least.
I bet a large sum that the people who think others should not have kids (unless they are rich) are the very same ones who hate immigration the most.

We are not replacing ourselves, and haven't for many years. That is one reason why immigration is necessary and in high numbers. Choose your poison, you can't have it both ways.
We are not replacing ourselves, and haven't for many years. That is one reason why immigration is necessary and in high numbers.
Not saying your wrong but isn't that little island crowded enough already?
Traffic is terrible and what about seeing a doctor and the NHS hospitals waiting lists.
Isn't there just too many people?

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