Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

If someone wants an abortion its their choice, if they dont its their choice. wtf with people.
Im in this camp on the whole. Ideally it’s not something you ever want to go through I’d imagine but each circumstance is different and all reasons may seem valid to those involved.
People who throw out “you’d kill a baby” are just being over emotional and don’t really help as it’s not true.
Im in this camp on the whole. Ideally it’s not something you ever want to go through I’d imagine but each circumstance is different and all reasons may seem valid to those involved.
People who throw out “you’d kill a baby” are just being over emotional and don’t really help as it’s not true.
I have seen more abortions than you have hot dinners , all gestations , it is vile , do you live to have a go at people given you seem to log on just to do that
I have seen more abortions than you have hot dinners , all gestations , it is vile , do you live to have a go at people given you seem to log on just to do that
No, but certain posts catch my attention more than others.
Nobody said it was pleasant. I’m just not down with folk basically alluding to murdering a baby because a couple have come to what must already be a very difficult decision.
Let’s leave the having a go at people shite to one side as you’re the fucking master of it on this forum.
No, but certain posts catch my attention more than others.
Nobody said it was pleasant. I’m just not down with folk basically alluding to murdering a baby because a couple have come to what must already be a very difficult decision.
Let’s leave the having a go at people shite to one side as you’re the fucking master of it on this forum.
You can put it in flowerly language but until you have seen a twenty two week baby aborted you know nothing , you are out of your depth on this subject, therefore i am going to ignore you now
You can put it in flowerly language but until you have seen a twenty two week baby aborted you know nothing , you are out of your depth on this subject
Just to caveat I’m talking a very early abortion here, one that is decided and done at the very first opportunity.
My stance would be different if it involved a 22 week old unless it was for the health and safety of the mother or the hospital had discovered serious issues with the baby.
I’m not out of my depth, if we were talking shite daytime tv then yeah, you’d be right but I’ve every right to an opinion on this subject thanks.
It’s an excellent piece that puts into perspective the UK today, it is real destitution in parts of the country.
The least we can do is provide food and clothing for our young children free so they don’t grow up sick and disabled by poverty because they are our future. They will only turn to crime and drugs if they don’t receive state help to grow up normal.
It's not just that. Kids in the UK, because of poor diet, are already 7cm shorter than equivalent European countries at the age of 5. That will have permanent lifelong effects. It even affects IQ. People who are malnourished never reach their potential.
We are in decent paid jobs, I don't hate the world, not sure where you have drawn that conclusion.

We would like to have children, but we would also want the best for our children which includes wanting my wife to have the choice of not to having to work but that isn't an option and such I wouldn't want to bring a child into that environment.

I came from a relatively poor family, my parents did their best with what they had and being the youngest of 4 I understand the irony of the fact that I wouldn't be here now if they lived by our choice.

I understand, and respect, your choice and logic. It is a personal thing and only you can know what is right for you.

How you then relate that to a sweeping single angle judgement of society as a whole, your part in wider economics etc, is where the issue is, and dismissals come.

As a reminder of what got lost here, this whole chain started off with a point you have made previously. Your take that you shouldn't be paying for other people's welfare, because you made a choice not to have children. The merits or not of your choice aside, you are looking at society highly selfishly.
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Really starting to pinch now, and I've only just turned the heating on for the first time.

On the bright side, I think I've lost a stone in the last six weeks, mostly through missing meals.
You’re not able to be referred to a food bank?
Well this thread took a turn, fucking hell

And I'm not being funny, who the fuck falls accidentally pregnant in their 30s
That’s what I thought. Use protection if there’s an ‘accidental’ chance of falling pregnant.

Or just pull out. It’s very simple.

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