Costa offends their customers


Not really. If people want to make a change to their body and have mental capacity it's their business not mine.

Some people get too much surgery due to body image issues but it is also very common among non trans people.

Can't you just pitch up your tent near speakers' corner full-time? you'd reach far more people than on here.
All these big coffee chains serve poor coffee.
Over roasted cheap stuff but priced like the quality stuff.

With that said, they did open the floor for all the independents to open up and thrive....and on a long car journey, a large latter laced with hazelnut syrup is my go to. car treat.

I also get a free Nero a week via a work thingy, so I'm not overtly snobby. about coffee.

Just grabbed a bag of Clifton's Coffee (Bristol Roaster) from Bath as is happens.
Living the dream :-)
There's a lot of guff in here.

What this does is portray a double mastectomy not for what it is, breast amputation, a medical procedure usually performed because of breast cancer, but as fun sounding "top surgery", a liberating lifestyle choice in pursuit of one's gender identity.

That's why it's so insidious.


Bizarrely there are many instances of Costa Coffee throwing women out their shops for breast feeding!

But then there's no end to bizarre when you're captured by the gender cult.

If you believe a healthy young person having a double mastectomy should be celebrated, have at it, but don't gaslight the rest of us.

Great post.
Can businesses just sell us their products without jumping on the latest bandwagon? I will only drink Costa as a last resort because it's shit overpriced coffee but if I go in there I just want a coffee and/or pastry or something. Nowadays it seems you can't go anywhere without something being pushed at you. At the moment it's the trans rainbow stuff. Bloody hell to me it's old hat I was sailing with drag queens, trans etcetera 50 years ago on cruise ships. Nobody batted an eyelid and they wouldn't now if it wasn't shoved in people's faces everywhere, I've no idea why they are doing it.

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