Could you join the armed forces?

I did 6 years in the Royal Marines and left 10 years ago for all the wrong reasons. Regretted it ever since. If I wasn't 12 months too old I'd re-join in a heartbeat. Been looking at ways back in recently and what has happened in Paris has made me all the more determined to serve again.

RMR? mate.
I did 6 years in the Royal Marines and left 10 years ago for all the wrong reasons. Regretted it ever since. If I wasn't 12 months too old I'd re-join in a heartbeat. Been looking at ways back in recently and what has happened in Paris has made me all the more determined to serve again.

I'd have thought you'd be a shoe-in for Blackwater or one of the other private armies?
22 Years in the mob... my eldest son is in now.... Our nephew is on the front line of the UK's defence!

I'm very glad I did it and would do it again tomorrow despite the changes to the way we live today and the threat

Thank goodness there are some people who have the personal qualities required to play their part

(edit) I get the pension like Cheesy which is rather nice to have before I even get out of bed for work every day... I've been out 10 years this year and missed it terribly for 4 years solid!! I work for a living now :-)
If this was 1940 I would join in a heartbeat. However our country is not under direct threat of invasion and wont be for the foreseeable future. Got respect for those that join of course, I'm told its a rewarding career.

Invasion no.... but under direct threat, fuck yeah. The threat has been created / exaggerated by the actions of the west sadly and exists because a small number of psychopaths want to use it as their mandate for hate....

We need girls and boys with the balls to protect us right now more than ever
Engineers are useful/productive.. i don't care for the money to be made, but I can easily argue those who sign up, who want to "go to war/defend the country/shoot people are fucking morons in the extreme.. that's what I am getting at. The psychopaths that "want" to join the army in hope of conflict... but even those who are intelligent enough to assume they can piss about and earn real money are weird. WEIRD.

I don't get it, sorry.
You're the one that's fucking weird.
I would have loved to have been in the raf flying tornados, hurricanes, eurojets, stealth bombers. But I'm colourblind so they didn't let me. My dad stopped me applying for the army when I was 16. He didn't want me dead. Kind of glad he did although I'm sure it can be a good life, the year after he stopped me 9/11 happened. I probably wouldn't even be here.
Always thought about it, not sure I could be doing with the moving about (if it is even that bad) I know a few lads who joined up, one joined the Royal Engineers, he was in Germany then Toronto. I'm sure its a good job, if I really considered it I think I'd end up with the RAF rather than the army.

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