Could you join the armed forces?

I've just left the Army after just over 5 years service and one tour of Afghanistan.Thoroughly enjoyed my time, there is a lot of bullshit that goes with it but it's all part of the game. Arse kissing is unfortunately a must if you are a "lifer" as it helps your progress. But if you just want an adventure for 4 years(min service) and earn a decent wage with little outgoings then it's ideal.

It's changed me as a person for the good and made me more determined in some aspects.

I'd definitely recommended it for someone who is bored with life, stuck in a rut and looking for a bit of an adventure.

You should have become a crab matey.... a decent secondary duty and a bit if nous... sorted
Signing up (or trying to) for the RAF regiment next year, fitness wise i'm ready but just don't feel it mentally yet, want to enjoy living a normal life for a year first (only 18) then i'm signing up. Always wanted to be in the airforce but my eye sight let me down.

RAF regiment is essentially the infantry of the airforce, defend forward operating bases, airfields, and operate SAM sites if necessary, for those who don't know.
I have been a forces wife and can tell you most joined up to get away from home and have a jolly around the world with their mates and shag a lot of girls and get drunk.Learning a trade and getting steady money as well
The Falklands happened and they were really shocked hence so many suicides after as well as relationship breakdown's,a lot more drunk themselves to death,that tells you they didn't join up as they wanted to fight and kill people
Those who joined up after 9/11 did so to fight the enemy,they were not lunatics
I can normally ignore your ranting but this has really got on my nerves,you have posted utter crap in this thread

Kaz, those first two sentences should surely be the advertising for signing up!

I couldn't do it and I have total respect for my baby cousin who is in his 7th year and counting. He was a right dickhead when he went in and has matured into a fantastic young man who I am proud to know.
Joined the Navy at 16 and half. All I wanted to do was go to sea. Served for 6 years Served in Falklands War. Loved the life. Left for more stable family life.
Wish I had a fiver for everyone I met who was going to join up.
Kaz, those first two sentences should surely be the advertising for signing up!

I couldn't do it and I have total respect for my baby cousin who is in his 7th year and counting. He was a right dickhead when he went in and has matured into a fantastic young man who I am proud to know.
A drunken jolly around the world is very appealing to young lads lol

It's the making of a lot of them and your cousin sounds great :)
I wouldn't now as they would not take me.

But I'm grateful to those that do and have.

Thanks guys.
Signing up (or trying to) for the RAF regiment next year, fitness wise i'm ready but just don't feel it mentally yet, want to enjoy living a normal life for a year first (only 18) then i'm signing up. Always wanted to be in the airforce but my eye sight let me down.

RAF regiment is essentially the infantry of the airforce, defend forward operating bases, airfields, and operate SAM sites if necessary, for those who don't know.
AKA "Rock Apes"

Did 3 years as a SNCO on 15 Sqn (as a "Guin")
...most joined up to get away from home and have a jolly around the world with their mates and shag a lot of girls and get drunk.Learning a trade and getting steady money as well

Pretty much summed me up :-)
Took the Queen's shilling aged 18 1/2. Served 12 years as an Air Engineer (the 3rd bloke in the cockpit) including GW1 and the Balkans. PVR'd in 99 when I no longer believed in the governments ability to make sound judgment. Had a successful career in civil aviation thanks to the excellent training I got in the RAF. If the shit hit the fan I would be happy to volunteer my services again in whatever capacity I could.
I've discouraged my daughters from considering the forces but if I had a son I would be happy for him to serve.

GW1 on the way back to the 5 star Foxhole after a few hours bumbling around at low level off the coast of Kuwait.
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