Could you join the armed forces?

Signing up (or trying to) for the RAF regiment next year, fitness wise i'm ready but just don't feel it mentally yet, want to enjoy living a normal life for a year first (only 18) then i'm signing up. Always wanted to be in the airforce but my eye sight let me down.

RAF regiment is essentially the infantry of the airforce, defend forward operating bases, airfields, and operate SAM sites if necessary, for those who don't know.
I served in the RAF for 25 years and I would have no hesitation in recommending a career in the Armed Forces to any youngster. It was the making of me. Fantastic people, great training, decent pay and brilliant sporting & educational opportunities. I've been out 3 years now & I can still call upon them for support. And now, at 45 years old, I get a pension of £15K a year :-)
I served 39 years in the Army, in that time (59-99) we had the troops to allow breaks of 2 years between operational tours. Today it's totally different massive troop reductions, one war zone after another. I would do it again if single, could I recommend it? I don't think I honestly could.
I served 39 years in the Army, in that time (59-99) we had the troops to allow breaks of 2 years between operational tours. Today it's totally different massive troop reductions, one war zone after another. I would do it again if single, could I recommend it? I don't think I honestly could.

Really? I was on ops every 6 months between 81-93!
The army, navy and airforce will probably not exist (as we know it), in a few years time.

MOST wars will be fought by people pushing buttons in underground bunkers from 6,000 miles away, hence the increasing use of remote controlled drones and the like.
Blue Tangerine

There are many trades in the Military that will teach you to do something that doesn't involve killing.

My missus' cousin did 9 years in the RAF and now has a near 100 grand a year job working as an engineer for an airline company, the fucker couldn't load a water pistol.

Ex nuclear submariners(marine engineeers) are capable of writing their own cheques.
Really am ex stoker.wish I could write my own cheques.

I would recommend forces to any young person.
I hate the army an' I hate the R.A.F.
I don't wanna go fighting in the tropical heat
I hate the civil service rules
And I won't open letter bombs for you

I think it's a fantastic career for someone who isn't sure what to do and wants to travel the world, get everything paid along the way whilst earning valuable training transferable to real life. My best mate left college and went into the RAF and he has just become a commissioned officer. It's not all great I guess, he has done 2 tours of Afghanistan and missed Christmas last year whilst over there so it is a lot to put up with but I've never heard him say a bad thing about it.

For me I tried for the RAF as a pilot but didn't quite make the fitness grade. I'd join the reserves tomorrow if I was fitter, maybe it's time to start doing something about it.

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