Could you join the armed forces?

Took the Queen's shilling aged 18 1/2. Served 12 years as an Air Engineer (the 3rd bloke in the cockpit) including GW1 and the Balkans. PVR'd in 99 when I no longer believed in the governments ability to make sound judgment. Had a successful career in civil aviation thanks to the excellent training I got in the RAF. If the shit hit the fan I would be happy to volunteer my services again in whatever capacity I could.
I've discouraged my daughters from considering the forces but if I had a son I would be happy for him to serve.

GW1 on the way back to the 5 star Foxhole after a few hours bumbling around at low level off the coast of Kuwait.
I knew it plastic sergeant ;)
But you wouldn't have said it to my face ;-)
I would, that's why I never got past corporal, lol. You must have joined just before me I went through Swinderby in Aug 1987!!! Left April 2000, had a good time but like you became very disillusioned with it all, would I do it again, to bloody right, in fact in Jan we are having a reunion for people who served at Gutersloh together, not seen some of these guys since 1993, a lifetime ago but seems like yesterday, oh how I miss those days.
Non-contributory is another way of saying " we get paid less than we otherwise would."

I haven't taken too much interest in the 2015 scheme as I say I am just topping up, but no bugger is hanging around because of it.

Manning levels are becoming critical in some branches despite the offer of retention bonuses.

I know of seven blokes who have been offered 50 grand to commit for another 5 years; five of them are not interested.

One of the main reasons i submitted my notice in Septemebr. 25 years on the 75 scheme. The old scheme was gold plated, the new pension scheme is more bronze. Also turned down the FRI. Anyone who joins up now will not have known any difference in the pension scheme so i suppose it will not matter. Past 25 years plus i have had a decent wage, been able to afford nice things and a nice house. Just time to try something different. Given the chance would i do it again. Yes!
I was in the Royal Navy for 8 years trained as a chef and got qualifications ,been to some countries could only have dreamed of going then worked as a chef in the Health Service for 30 years got a pension now from the Health Service .so joing the forces helped me get a job when I left and set me up for life now with my pension .my Nephew has joined the army .he is staying in for three years years but training to be a truck and crane mechanic so it will set him up when he leaves

Trained as a Royal Navy chef. The only course in the Navy that everyone has failed :)

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