Could you join the armed forces?

Its not your bag, but to label the everyone in the armed forces as lunatics is wrong and false. The lad I know, has the highest integrity as he has proven time and time again, much to his own detriment, he is an intelligent bloke, I wont lower myself to your levels of abuse and cheap point scoring.

Who am I winning against? I am just expressing an opinion. I hate the fact guns/bombs and people who want to learn how to use them exist.. it's abhorrent. I would surrender rather than kill (depending on the circumstances)
Lol - you know what I meant, he was in the green berets at that point and was on leave, I bumped into him in the pub, he went on to a very senior position within the armed forces. He kept the very people who sit behind a keyboard calling him a lunatic and thick, safe, I dont exaggerate in the slightest. I am very proud to even know the man.

I know mate. In a jovial mood.
I served in the RAF for 25 years and I would have no hesitation in recommending a career in the Armed Forces to any youngster. It was the making of me. Fantastic people, great training, decent pay and brilliant sporting & educational opportunities. I've been out 3 years now & I can still call upon them for support. And now, at 45 years old, I get a pension of £15K a year :-)

A lot to be said for AFPS 75. 05 and 2015 is dire and the lads are leaving in their droves due to it. 2015 is a scandal but isn't everyone's!

Glad I have 23 years of AFPS 75, just topping up at the moment with a service extension, albeit not by much.
And now, at 45 years old, I get a pension of £15K a year :-)

That is gained on the previous ( and possibly previous previous) pension scheme. Now it's not final salary. So as per the NHS, the army employees have little incentive to put their hearts, minds and bodies on the line.
A lot to be said for AFPS 75. 05 and 2015 is dire and the lads are leaving in their droves due to it. 2015 is a scandal but isn't everyone's!

Glad I have 23 years of AFPS 75, just topping up at the moment with a service extension, albeit not by much.

Yep, 05 and 2015 are crap in comparison to 75 but at least they are still non-contributory.
Who am I winning against? I am just expressing an opinion. I hate the fact guns/bombs and people who want to learn how to use them exist.. it's abhorrent. I would surrender rather than kill (depending on the circumstances)

You are name calling, acting like you are superior in some way, you have an opinion but that doesnt make you right. I know a few lads in the armed forces, and I am glad we have people who will sacrifice themselves for our safety.

I take it you think we shouldnt have any armed forces then? I'm glad you arent in charge of defending us. We'd all be dead in no time, although the way you feel and speak about humans, I guess you would actually want that.
That is gained on the previous ( and possibly previous previous) pension scheme. Now it's not final salary. So as per the NHS, the army employees have little incentive to put their hearts, minds and bodies on the line.

As I've said above, yes, the new scheme is poor in comparison with the previous ones but it's still a non-contributory scheme which is something you don't get anywhere else (I stnad to be corrected on this if I'm wrong)

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