Could you join the armed forces?

I am not a status quo-ist like you. I draw my own conclusions. How is expressing those that "dream" about firing guns are fucking nuts is a weird view?

The army exists.. the navy.. etc. It has to. So I can't question the people who sign up? That's ridiculous.

I think they're fucking nuts in most cases. Shoot me. Who grows up wanting to learn how to kill? .. yeah yeah it's a necessity.. but you want me to celebrate it? no chance.

You know very little about me, but carry on making assumptions based on a few posts on here, just because I dont agree with your warped opinion of the world. You continue to make sweeping generalisations about a whole section of our society, the lads I know have never expressed a dream about firing guns, they have to take tests to prove their mental stability, you have such a simplistic and idiotic way of viewing everyone in the armed services.

Celebrate it? All you have done is slag off everyone who is in it, what about having a bit of respect for the very people who keep you safe and enable you to sit on your arse drinking yourself stupid and slag them off.
You don't know many people in the Armed Forces do you?

If you're genuinely nuts you're not going to get in for a start. I've never met anyone who dreams about firing guns (in fact. it's the last thing any of us really want to do) nor have I met anyone who gre up wanting to learn how to kill.

The fact that he of all the posters on here (considering his posting history) is calling anyone nuts is laughable, pot calling the kettle black.
I am not a status quo-ist like you. I draw my own conclusions. How is expressing those that "dream" about firing guns are fucking nuts is a weird view?

The army exists.. the navy.. etc. It has to. So I can't question the people who sign up? That's ridiculous.

I think they're fucking nuts in most cases. Shoot me. Who grows up wanting to learn how to kill? .. yeah yeah it's a necessity.. but you want me to celebrate it? no chance.

i think its an insult to say people who sign up 'dream of firing guns'

lets just hope these 'dreamers' remember to fire if Manchester ever comes under attack!
Blue Tangerine

There are many trades in the Military that will teach you to do something that doesn't involve killing.

My missus' cousin did 9 years in the RAF and now has a near 100 grand a year job working as an engineer for an airline company, the fucker couldn't load a water pistol.

Ex nuclear submariners(marine engineeers) are capable of writing their own cheques.
Well why do they go in then? Patriotism? = nuts for me... sorry.

I've met a few people on here & I'd hope that they would confirm that I'm not nuts.

Spaeking for myself, I joined up for may reasons. I wanted a proper career, I wanted to do something that I felt made a contribution to society, I wanted to do a job that wasn't your usual 9-5 drudgery, I wanted a bit of an adventure and I wanted to wear a nice uniform as I thought it would help me get loads of sex.
Can't aruge with any of that really. And I have left after all so I had obviously had enough :-) My mainreason for leaving though was that it was finally time to put down some roots.

I understand, mate.

Coming up to my 24th year, currently have till 2019 to go but they have already offered me another five years taking me up to 2024.

Cannot see me doing this at the age of 50 though. Don't think my carcass would hold out.

I love the job but something has to give...eventually.

Too many good blokes leaving!
I've met a few people on here & I'd hope that they would confirm that I'm not nuts.

Spaeking for myself, I joined up for may reasons. I wanted a proper career, I wanted to do something that I felt made a contribution to society, I wanted to do a job that wasn't your usual 9-5 drudgery, I wanted a bit of an adventure and I wanted to wear a nice uniform as I thought it would help me get loads of sex.
Did you though? Wear a nice uniform I mean obviously...
If I needed to fight for my country to defend it's honour, no doubt.

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