Courtney Meppen Walter

sergiokun said:
mad zab said:
sergiokun said:
No thanks get rid

Why? I am not condoning what he has done, but isn't it at times like this that a club should be seen to not act hastily and give him a chance of turning his life around.

I won't lie and say if it was my relatives I may react completely different. However, people make mistakes in life and sometimes need a second chance.

I agree he deserves a second chance but he killed 2 people and injured teenagers because he was racing and you feel we should stick by him? Fair enough that’s you opinion but I would kick him out and now. disgraceful behaviour racing cars at his age and it should be a lesson to all our youth players. He might one day kick a football again for a team in England but it won't be city. Maybe he wasn't racing who noes but he shouldn't be speeding
But he wasn't racing, the court accepted that as fact.. and he's been convicted of careless driving not manslaughter/murder.
sickboyblue said:
sergiokun said:
mad zab said:
Why? I am not condoning what he has done, but isn't it at times like this that a club should be seen to not act hastily and give him a chance of turning his life around.

I won't lie and say if it was my relatives I may react completely different. However, people make mistakes in life and sometimes need a second chance.

I agree he deserves a second chance but he killed 2 people and injured teenagers because he was racing and you feel we should stick by him? Fair enough that’s you opinion but I would kick him out and now. disgraceful behaviour racing cars at his age and it should be a lesson to all our youth players. He might one day kick a football again for a team in England but it won't be city. Maybe he wasn't racing who noes but he shouldn't be speeding
But he wasn't racing, the court accepted that as fact.. and he's been convicted of careless driving not manslaughter/murder.

Well ok he wasn’t racing just speeding and as a result of his stupid behaviour two people are dead. I was misinformed because I was made aware he was racing. He got what he deserved and he is lucky he only got 16 months
el bee said:
I think it's harsh, as I read it his only crime was speeding. The accident was caused by the guy in the other car failing to determine the speed he was going and pulling out of a side road in front of him, or was there other circumstances?
I'm afraid it's not harsh at all, he was doing 60MPH in a 30 zone. Not a jailable offence in itself but because of his lack of consideration for anybody else he killed two people and that does deserve a jail sentence. Claiming that it was the other drivers fault for not realising he was doing 60 is either trolling or stupidity.
If the driver of the other car hadn't have been killed, whose fault would the crash have been? He pulled out of a junction without checking properly. In any other instance the crash is his fault, but because he was killed and meppen-walters was speeding no blame at all is put on him. I'm not saying meppen-walters is innocent, he's being punished for doing wrong but some perspective is needed here. Yes, he was driving like a twat but he'd didn't intend to kill 2 people. Some on here are making him out to be worse than Jimmy Saville and Fred fucking West combined.
sickboyblue said:
If the driver of the other car hadn't have been killed, whose fault would the crash have been? He pulled out of a junction without checking properly. In any other instance the crash is his fault, but because he was killed and meppen-walters was speeding no blame at all is put on him. I'm not saying meppen-walters is innocent, he's being punished for doing wrong but some perspective is needed here. Yes, he was driving like a twat but he'd didn't intend to kill 2 people. Some on here are making him out to be worse than Jimmy Saville and Fred fucking West combined.

Not seen anyone make him out like Jimmy Saville the lad got what he deserved imo but each to their own
He's a dickhead, believe me.

Some people dont know how good they have it..........

Lets hope he comes out a better man for it.<br /><br />-- 28 Feb 2013 16:38 --<br /><br />He's a dickhead, believe me.

Some people dont know how good they have it..........

Lets hope he comes out a better man for it.
ColinLee said:
el bee said:
I think it's harsh, as I read it his only crime was speeding. The accident was caused by the guy in the other car failing to determine the speed he was going and pulling out of a side road in front of him, or was there other circumstances?
I'm afraid it's not harsh at all, he was doing 60MPH in a 30 zone. Not a jailable offence in itself but because of his lack of consideration for anybody else he killed two people and that does deserve a jail sentence. Claiming that it was the other drivers fault for not realising he was doing 60 is either trolling or stupidity.
Not trolling or stupid - fact.
ColinLee said:
el bee said:
I think it's harsh, as I read it his only crime was speeding. The accident was caused by the guy in the other car failing to determine the speed he was going and pulling out of a side road in front of him, or was there other circumstances?
I'm afraid it's not harsh at all, he was doing 60MPH in a 30 zone. Not a jailable offence in itself but because of his lack of consideration for anybody else he killed two people and that does deserve a jail sentence. Claiming that it was the other drivers fault for not realising he was doing 60 is either trolling or stupidity.
I haven't followed the case in minute detail, so forgive me. Did he seriously try to use that as a defence?

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