Courtney Meppen Walter

jimharri said:
ColinLee said:
el bee said:
I think it's harsh, as I read it his only crime was speeding. The accident was caused by the guy in the other car failing to determine the speed he was going and pulling out of a side road in front of him, or was there other circumstances?
I'm afraid it's not harsh at all, he was doing 60MPH in a 30 zone. Not a jailable offence in itself but because of his lack of consideration for anybody else he killed two people and that does deserve a jail sentence. Claiming that it was the other drivers fault for not realising he was doing 60 is either trolling or stupidity.
I haven't followed the case in minute detail, so forgive me. Did he seriously try to use that as a defence?

I think if you read el bee's post, it is he who is claiming it was the fault of the other driver, not CMW using it as a defence.
Vienna_70 said:
jimharri said:
ColinLee said:
I'm afraid it's not harsh at all, he was doing 60MPH in a 30 zone. Not a jailable offence in itself but because of his lack of consideration for anybody else he killed two people and that does deserve a jail sentence. Claiming that it was the other drivers fault for not realising he was doing 60 is either trolling or stupidity.
I haven't followed the case in minute detail, so forgive me. Did he seriously try to use that as a defence?

I think if you read el bee's post, it is he who is claiming it was the fault of the other driver, not CMW using it as a defence.
Fair enough. Hadn't read el bee's post. To be frank, it's a non starter as a defence. He shouldn't have been speeding. As others have said, I'm sure a lot on here have driven at over the speed limit. I cerainly have, and was given 3 points on my licence for doing 60 in a 50 zone (KPH). However; going at twice the designated limit and in a (presumably, given the speed limit) built up area is sheer lunacy.
mad zab said:
sergiokun said:
LoveCity said:
Will the club stand by him or release him? 16 months isn't long...

No thanks get rid

Why? I am not condoning what he has done, but isn't it at times like this that a club should be seen to not act hastily and give him a chance of turning his life around.

I won't lie and say if it was my relatives I may react completely different. However, people make mistakes in life and sometimes need a second chance.

He can go and play for someone else when he gets out.
Hard to believe that this guy gets only 16 months for killing two people , yet someone could possibly get ten years for a single sex act ...
I think the justice system in this country is diabolical. I personally feel the way it should be is, just kind of, like an eye for an eye. What you do, you have done to you. For example:

If you are caught stealing, mugging or commiting burglary = You have all of your possessions confiscated from you, just as if you had been robbed. (Personally, i'm all for chopping off the hand of a thief in this country because we have a social security system in place here and there really is NO excuse for it, such as poverty, like there is in the 3rd world countries.)

If you are caught commiting violent crime, then you deserve to have similar violent acts and injuries enforced onto you.

If you take somebody's life = You lose your life. Why should you be allowed to carry on living if you have taken somebody else's life (intentionally or not, somebody is still dead because of your actions) and destroyed other peoples (victims loved ones) lives at the same time.

Obviously, there are too many different crimes to go on listing here, but there is too much lenience and a complete zero tolerance approach would definitely reduce the overall crime rate. Just look, for instance, at the way we have zero tolerance over racism. Yes, there are still instances of racial abuse, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was 30 - 40 years ago. Prevention is better than cure and a really serious punishment deterent will make the majority of criminals think twice before committing the crime. No doubt, crime will still happen, but not as much.

In this case, this person has caused the death of two people (intentionally, unintentionally, doesn't change the fact) and destroyed a family in doing so. I think the prat should be put to sleep. So what if he's young. What if the two people killed were only young. They didn't deserve to die. It's only fair that the idiot should join them. An eye for an eye.
SimpliCITY said:
I think the justice system in this country is diabolical. I personally feel the way it should be is, just kind of, like an eye for an eye. What you do, you have done to you. For example:

If you are caught stealing, mugging or commiting burglary = You have all of your possessions confiscated from you, just as if you had been robbed. (Personally, i'm all for chopping off the hand of a thief in this country because we have a social security system in place here and there really is NO excuse for it, such as poverty, like there is in the 3rd world countries.)

If you are caught commiting violent crime, then you deserve to have similar violent acts and injuries enforced onto you.

If you take somebody's life = You lose your life. Why should you be allowed to carry on living if you have taken somebody else's life (intentionally or not, somebody is still dead because of your actions) and destroyed other peoples (victims loved ones) lives at the same time.

Obviously, there are too many different crimes to go on listing here, but there is too much lenience and a complete zero tolerance approach would definitely reduce the overall crime rate. Just look, for instance, at the way we have zero tolerance over racism. Yes, there are still instances of racial abuse, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was 30 - 40 years ago. Prevention is better than cure and a really serious punishment deterent will make the majority of criminals think twice before committing the crime. No doubt, crime will still happen, but not as much.

In this case, this person has caused the death of two people (intentionally, unintentionally, doesn't change the fact) and destroyed a family in doing so. I think the prat should be put to sleep. So what if he's young. What if the two people killed were only young. They didn't deserve to die. It's only fair that the idiot should join them. An eye for an eye.
Please tell me you're wumming? execution for a car crash? Fucking hell!!
SimpliCITY said:
I think the justice system in this country is diabolical. I personally feel the way it should be is, just kind of, like an eye for an eye. What you do, you have done to you. For example:

If you are caught stealing, mugging or commiting burglary = You have all of your possessions confiscated from you, just as if you had been robbed. (Personally, i'm all for chopping off the hand of a thief in this country because we have a social security system in place here and there really is NO excuse for it, such as poverty, like there is in the 3rd world countries.)

If you are caught commiting violent crime, then you deserve to have similar violent acts and injuries enforced onto you.

If you take somebody's life = You lose your life. Why should you be allowed to carry on living if you have taken somebody else's life (intentionally or not, somebody is still dead because of your actions) and destroyed other peoples (victims loved ones) lives at the same time.

Obviously, there are too many different crimes to go on listing here, but there is too much lenience and a complete zero tolerance approach would definitely reduce the overall crime rate. Just look, for instance, at the way we have zero tolerance over racism. Yes, there are still instances of racial abuse, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was 30 - 40 years ago. Prevention is better than cure and a really serious punishment deterent will make the majority of criminals think twice before committing the crime. No doubt, crime will still happen, but not as much.

In this case, this person has caused the death of two people (intentionally, unintentionally, doesn't change the fact) and destroyed a family in doing so. I think the prat should be put to sleep. So what if he's young. What if the two people killed were only young. They didn't deserve to die. It's only fair that the idiot should join them. An eye for an eye.

I hope your fucking joking. Thank fuck you dont write the laws then.

He's made his mistake, people deserve 2nd chances particularly in cases like this!

If you stand by what you said then you should have your mouth sewn up for spouting bullshit.

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