Courtney Meppen Walter

pudge said:
Eccles Blue said:
I hate the fact that two people got killed but have reservations about the 'hang 'em high' reaction!

At the end of the day he is a kid, he wasn't on drugs, drinking or using a mobile phone while driving. How many of you have gone over the speed limit when driving? I know I have, in fact I was a few hours ago as I returned from a meeting.

There but for the Grace of God go a lot of people. Also, let (s)he who is without sin cast the first stone.

The lad deserves a second chance. I hope that City give him one.
Did you do double the speed limit?

Isn't it his second speeding offence too ?
bobmcfc said:
pudge said:
Eccles Blue said:
I hate the fact that two people got killed but have reservations about the 'hang 'em high' reaction!

At the end of the day he is a kid, he wasn't on drugs, drinking or using a mobile phone while driving. How many of you have gone over the speed limit when driving? I know I have, in fact I was a few hours ago as I returned from a meeting.

There but for the Grace of God go a lot of people. Also, let (s)he who is without sin cast the first stone.

The lad deserves a second chance. I hope that City give him one.
Did you do double the speed limit?

Isn't it his second speeding offence too ?
Yep, according to BBC;

Meppen-Walter had one previous conviction for speeding - again doing 56mph in a 30mph zone.
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.
I was caught speeding a few months ago doing 37 in a 30 zone. Was offered a speed awareness course and was absolutely dreading the 4-5 hours I thought I would waste there but I can say that course was probably one of the biggest "eye openers" I have ever had and I can hand on heart say that ever since that course I have never exceeded a speed limit again. If anything I drive a lot more careful now then I did before, can only recommend going on one of those course, they really make you think.
However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

But it had resulted with death and that's all that matters.
bluwilpgs said:
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.
He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.
pudge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.

He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.
60mph on Great Ducie St towards Sherbourne St. in front of Strangeways ? We all know this road.Thats like doing 60 down Deansgate. I hope the boy-rider fucker can sleep at night with 2 lives on his hands. Please God, City drop him like a brick and think long and hard about how much money they were paying this no-mark and other potential losers on our books. Respects to the people he killed and their families. 16 months ? The world is going mad.

Stop making excuses for pieces of shit like this. There's 2 people dead.
bluwilpgs said:
pudge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.

He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.

You need to go away and have think. Fucking terrible thing to say.

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