Courtney Meppen Walter

The fact two people have died as a result of this incident is tragic. He has been given a custodial sentence which is correct-whether 16 months is enough is a matter of opinion.
We should give him some credit for pleading guilty which is probably reflected in the sentence in accordance with sentencing guidelines.
The reason two people died is because he was driving at almost twice the speed limit. The actual cause of the accident is the fact the other driver pulled into his path when it was unsafe to do so coupled with Meppen-Walter's excessive speed-the highway code says do not pull out if doing so would cause another driver to alter speed or direction. If this accident had happened at 30mph and caused no deaths the other driver would be held responsible. If you take account of all the facts that is probably why he only got 16 months. I personally think he should have got 2yrs minimum.
Does he deserve another chance? Yes after he has served his sentence.Whether that is with City remains to be seen.
bluwilpgs said:
pudge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.

He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.
And if ''anyone'' (your word) else was caught doing the same thing, I'd expect them to get the same treatment and the same condemnation. The fact (no ifs or buts) is, he was doing twice the speed limit for the area in which the tragic accident took place. And, through no fault of their own, two people have died due to this idiot's actions. As far as I am aware, no one was holding a gun to his head forcing him to drive so recklessly and dangerously. Therefore it was a conscious decision on his part to drive the way he did. In my opinion, he has got off bloody lightly. I have no sympathy for any person who acts in such a selfish and irresponsible manner.
Would be good if the PFA/FA could organise some sort of seminar for young pros with such as Lee Hughes, McCormick and CMW speaking in peron or on DVD with graphic images to make the point.

Too much idiocy from rich menchild.
bluwilpgs said:
pudge said:
bluwilpgs said:
The fact that there were fatalities in this case is extremely sad and obviously everyone wishes the circumstances were different. However, if this case had involved an accident that resulted in injury and not death (of which there are hundreds every day involving young drivers, drunk drivers, stupid drivers and drivers who may just have had a lapse of concentration) then there would be no custodial sentence involved.

He was stupid, yes. He deserved to be punished, yes. But he did not go out with the intention if killing anyone so give the guy a break. In my view someone who goes out with the intention of committing a crime against a person or persons, be that assault, burglary, fraud or murder is more of a threat to 'society' than this guy. Believe me, there will not be a day goes by that he doesn't regret what happened.

Some of the comments in relation to this thread have left me gob-smacked, I seriously didn't know there were so many people who believe that you should not be allowed to make a mistake.

He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.
Exactly, my argument is based on what did happen i.e. facts
Deepest Blue said:
Would be good if the PFA/FA could organise some sort of seminar for young pros with such as Lee Hughes, McCormick and CMW speaking in peron or on DVD with graphic images to make the point.

Too much idiocy from rich menchild.

That's why I don't give a shit about him, it's not just "shit happens", it's usual antics from spoiled young richies..

In last few years there were several tragic car incidents with innocent deaths in Croatia and main protagonists were sons of local capitalists who went to buy companies in dodgy circumstances after the war.

Kids, teenagers etc were killed in those incidents and it finished on same way as this one - with insulting jail sentences.

That's why I don't care about him a bit.. it's not "it happened", it's because they think they can fly and don't give a shit about anyone else.
Davs 19 said:
bluwilpgs said:
pudge said:
He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.

You need to go away and have think. Fucking terrible thing to say.

Perhaps you have misunderstood what I am saying? If the circumstances had been different, the car had not pulled out at that time, he had delayed his journey etc. etc. the deaths would not have occurred. As horrible and regretful these deaths are, they are a result of chance. What I am trying to convey is that anyone driving in this manner could cause an accident with the same result, so should that not be how this crime is judged?

If I shoot a gun at someone and miss it's still attempted murder, therefore I would be charged with attempted murder. If I drive my car at 58mph in a 30mph zone I get a fixed penalty and 3 points on my license unless I am involved in an accident of this nature.

I hope this makes sense as I am just trying to give a sense of perspective to the argument, hence my 'incidental' comment. These people were killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and as the result of CPM actions.

He is not alone in the stupidity of his behaviour and actions, but at the same time he should not be isolated as a result of them.

I am speaking as someone who has lost someone as a result of a car accident caused by someone else so I am not trying to make excuses or exonerating CMW actions. Its just my personal opinion - to which I am entitled.
bluwilpgs said:
Davs 19 said:
bluwilpgs said:
Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.

You need to go away and have think. Fucking terrible thing to say.

Perhaps you have misunderstood what I am saying? If the circumstances had been different, the car had not pulled out at that time, he had delayed his journey etc. etc. the deaths would not have occurred. As horrible and regretful these deaths are, they are a result of chance. What I am trying to convey is that anyone driving in this manner could cause an accident with the same result, so should that not be how this crime is judged?

If I shoot a gun at someone and miss it's still attempted murder, therefore I would be charged with attempted murder. If I drive my car at 58mph in a 30mph zone I get a fixed penalty and 3 points on my license unless I am involved in an accident of this nature.

I hope this makes sense as I am just trying to give a sense of perspective to the argument, hence my 'incidental' comment. These people were killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and as the result of CPM actions.

He is not alone in the stupidity of his behaviour and actions, but at the same time he should not be isolated as a result of them.

I am speaking as someone who has lost someone as a result of a car accident caused by someone else so I am not trying to make excuses or exonerating CMW actions. Its just my personal opinion - to which I am entitled.

except you will face two different charges and sentences depending on whether the bullet causes death
coulsonblue said:
bluwilpgs said:
Davs 19 said:
You need to go away and have think. Fucking terrible thing to say.

Perhaps you have misunderstood what I am saying? If the circumstances had been different, the car had not pulled out at that time, he had delayed his journey etc. etc. the deaths would not have occurred. As horrible and regretful these deaths are, they are a result of chance. What I am trying to convey is that anyone driving in this manner could cause an accident with the same result, so should that not be how this crime is judged?

If I shoot a gun at someone and miss it's still attempted murder, therefore I would be charged with attempted murder. If I drive my car at 58mph in a 30mph zone I get a fixed penalty and 3 points on my license unless I am involved in an accident of this nature.

I hope this makes sense as I am just trying to give a sense of perspective to the argument, hence my 'incidental' comment. These people were killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and as the result of CPM actions.

He is not alone in the stupidity of his behaviour and actions, but at the same time he should not be isolated as a result of them.

I am speaking as someone who has lost someone as a result of a car accident caused by someone else so I am not trying to make excuses or exonerating CMW actions. Its just my personal opinion - to which I am entitled.

except you will face two different charges and sentences depending on whether the bullet causes death

Except that's not true - the sentence could and is in most circumstances the same - murder or attempted murder would get you a life sentence.
jimharri said:
bluwilpgs said:
pudge said:
He was doing almost 60mph in a 30mph zone.

That's reckless, stupid and he knew he was doing it and due to his careless behaviour 2 people died

I can't see how people can defend him. There's making a mistake and then there's being responsible for the death of two people through your own actions.

Intentional or not, it happened.

Yes I agree with the principle but by that argument anyone who does 60mph in a 30mph zone should be treated the same. The fact that the result of his actions resulted in two deaths is incidental. Your argument is based on the result of his actions which could happen to anyone driving in the same manner.
And if ''anyone'' (your word) else was caught doing the same thing, I'd expect them to get the same treatment and the same condemnation. The fact (no ifs or buts) is, he was doing twice the speed limit for the area in which the tragic accident took place. And, through no fault of their own, two people have died due to this idiot's actions. As far as I am aware, no one was holding a gun to his head forcing him to drive so recklessly and dangerously. Therefore it was a conscious decision on his part to drive the way he did. In my opinion, he has got off bloody lightly. I have no sympathy for any person who acts in such a selfish and irresponsible manner.

Sorry, but amongst all the tragedy in this story you are simply factually incorrect. Whilst its easy to jump on the bandwagon of blame, it can't be forgotten that the driver of the Nissan pulled out when it clearly wasn't safe to do so.

Blameless? No. Regardless of what speed he was doing, she shouldn't have pulled out. Was she looking? she clearly misjudged the speed that he was doing. If there was no loss of life then she would have been entirely at fault under Insurance Law - it would have been up to the Police to prove speed and to then decide whether to charge him under the Road Traffic Act [1984].

A lot also jump on the speed issue. Yes he was going far too fast, that can't be defended, but to read some on here it wouldn't have been too bad if he was only doing 40mph. That speed is in itself, enough to kill someone. That is why the speed limit is 30mph on a lot of Britain's roads in built up areas.

If anyone drives over the speed limit for the road that they are driving on, you risk the fact that you could kill someone, especially if they we to randomly pull out in front of you.

Yes it's right he has been punished but that is only due to the unfortunate loss of life, not because of the speed and so next time anyone becomes moralistic, just remember, the next one really could be you - regardless of how much above the speed limit you drive.

He will be given another chance by someone, he has to be under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act [1974].

To clarify, I am in no way defending his actions, just pointing out how any one of us that 'speeds' could find ourselves in the same situation...very easily.

If any good can come out of this, it must be that when everyone is aware of the facts, it should make everyone a more cautious driver.

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