Courtney Meppen Walter

yozzer said:
ell said:
Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
16 months is fair, imagine your wife driving your 2 kids and looks in her mirror at a car quite a way back and pulls out not realizing the car behind is a boy racer doing way to much speed , dozy of the wife to make the slight mistake of pulling out, but pathetically ignorant and arrogant of meppen walter because he is already carrying points for speeding,and dont seem to give a fuck because once again he is speeding , your 2 kids die in the accident and you say 16 month will do ,

This **** has been done previous for doing nearly double the speed limit
And he does the same thing again and leaves 2 boys as orphans

And some folk on here say his sentence is fair
Fucking wake up..
The cookie monster said:
yozzer said:
ell said:
Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
16 months is fair, imagine your wife driving your 2 kids and looks in her mirror at a car quite a way back and pulls out not realizing the car behind is a boy racer doing way to much speed , dozy of the wife to make the slight mistake of pulling out, but pathetically ignorant and arrogant of meppen walter because he is already carrying points for speeding,and dont seem to give a fuck because once again he is speeding , your 2 kids die in the accident and you say 16 month will do ,

This **** has been done previous for doing nearly double the speed limit
And he does the same thing again and leaves 2 boys as orphans

And some folk on here say his sentence is fair
Fucking wake up..
I suspect the colour of his shirt has something to do with it, and it would be a completely different reaction had he been a United player. Sad really.
The only people who should get any sympathy in this are the people he hit. Hopefully the club terminate his contract immediately
Pigeonho said:
The cookie monster said:
yozzer said:
16 months is fair, imagine your wife driving your 2 kids and looks in her mirror at a car quite a way back and pulls out not realizing the car behind is a boy racer doing way to much speed , dozy of the wife to make the slight mistake of pulling out, but pathetically ignorant and arrogant of meppen walter because he is already carrying points for speeding,and dont seem to give a fuck because once again he is speeding , your 2 kids die in the accident and you say 16 month will do ,

This **** has been done previous for doing nearly double the speed limit
And he does the same thing again and leaves 2 boys as orphans

And some folk on here say his sentence is fair
Fucking wake up..
I suspect the colour of his shirt has something to do with it, and it would be a completely different reaction had he been a United player. Sad really.

Absolutely this. I have mentioned this before that anyone bar a city player and they would have been thrown to the wolves already on here. The reality is he didn't learn from his previous conviction and now he has killed 2 people.
A grade A wanker!
You really all are a set of hypocrites, can any one of you honestly say you never exceed the given speed limit, as the saying goes 'by the grace of god go i' , it could happen to any one!
whicko said:
You really all are a set of hypocrites, can any one of you honestly say you never exceed the given speed limit, as the saying goes 'by the grace of god go i' , it could happen to any one!
You obviously haven't read the thread, have you? If I go out now locally and do 35ish, that is indeed breaking the speed limit. If I go out now locally and do 60mph it is a completely different story. You know it too.
whicko said:
You really all are a set of hypocrites, can any one of you honestly say you never exceed the given speed limit, as the saying goes 'by the grace of god go i' , it could happen to any one!

Head in hands at this post.

Yes but the difference is it was CMW's choice to put his foot to the floor and do double the speed limit. Yes we have all sped but I for one have never done 60 in a 30!
There must be an awful lot of perfect people on here. A young kid, been handed enough money to buy high performance cars before he's really even learnt to drive. I'm sure people on this gaff will be queueing up to say how they're that responsible, they have never broken the speed limit. Others claiming it's perfectly ok to break the limit a bit but not as much as Courtney. Hypercrites. I think you would struggle to find an 18 year old kid in his position who hasn't done something similar, but luckily for them, without the tragic consequences.

I'm not defending Courtney. He's broken the law. He went guilty and now he's got six months in jail. And half the holier than thou perfectionists on here, claiming six months is nothing would probably top themselves if they had to do 10 minutes in one of those luxury holiday camps they know so much about.
The cookie monster said:
yozzer said:
ell said:
Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
16 months is fair, imagine your wife driving your 2 kids and looks in her mirror at a car quite a way back and pulls out not realizing the car behind is a boy racer doing way to much speed , dozy of the wife to make the slight mistake of pulling out, but pathetically ignorant and arrogant of meppen walter because he is already carrying points for speeding,and dont seem to give a fuck because once again he is speeding , your 2 kids die in the accident and you say 16 month will do ,

This **** has been done previous for doing nearly double the speed limit
And he does the same thing again and leaves 2 boys as orphans

And some folk on here say his sentence is fair
Fucking wake up..

How long do you think he should have got? Correct me if ive been informed badly but the maximum he could of got was 5 years if he had fled the scene or 2 years if he didnt (which he didnt)

16 months seems like a fair amount from the LIMITED amount I know (only know as much as the press report and im no expert)

This thread shouldnt be in the city forum it has nothing to do with him playing for City
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
richardtheref said:
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.

And I personally hope you can sleep at night...You keep printing the notes mate courtesy of the legal aid system and trying to justify a young,immature prick driving at double the speed limit in a 30mph zone.

"There to be seen??"...That maybe the case however there is no way you can judge speed from a distance with the naked eye..Otherwise the old bill would never have the need the calibrated speed guns. They would just say "Well,I think you were doing 50 in a 30 so heres 3 pts"!!

In fairness mate he doesn't make the laws

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