Courtney Meppen Walter

Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
ell said:
Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
This is indeed true, however travelling twice the limit for the road he was on, and accelerating, turns the car into more of a threat than it had been had he been traveling at the limit set. Everyone speeds, but there's speeding as in doing 5-10mph over the limit for a particular road, and there's speeding doing twice the limit set. I see them round here in the summer, overtaking on blind corners at 50 on a 30 road because 'they're young', and I fucking cringe and hold my breath that some kid isn't crossing on the part where the driver can't see. Doing 60 in a 30 zone is as stupid as it gets, and because of it in this instance a couple of people die. He should have had longer than 16 months.
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.
avoidconfusion said:
I was caught speeding a few months ago doing 37 in a 30 zone. Was offered a speed awareness course and was absolutely dreading the 4-5 hours I thought I would waste there but I can say that course was probably one of the biggest "eye openers" I have ever had and I can hand on heart say that ever since that course I have never exceeded a speed limit again. If anything I drive a lot more careful now then I did before, can only recommend going on one of those course, they really make you think.

I done exactly the same ! About 37 in a 30 which I thought was a 40 . Iv just had to rearrange the course lactation then ill have to do it . What sort of stuff do you have to do ?
The above is absolutely right. I used to work for an insurance company and if there was an accident involving some pulling out of a side road then it was invariably that driver's fault, even if the view is restricted.

If CMW had been doing 30 with the same outcome then there would probably have been no charge, unless he'd done something else stupid like overtaking on the wrong side or texting.

He has been stupid, as going at that speed on a road like that is simply asking for trouble as there are cars parked all over and people crossing. Also there's far more risk of death or serious injury at that speed.
richardtheref said:
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.

And I personally hope you can sleep at night...You keep printing the notes mate courtesy of the legal aid system and trying to justify a young,immature prick driving at double the speed limit in a 30mph zone.

"There to be seen??"...That maybe the case however there is no way you can judge speed from a distance with the naked eye..Otherwise the old bill would never have the need the calibrated speed guns. They would just say "Well,I think you were doing 50 in a 30 so heres 3 pts"!!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
richardtheref said:
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.

And I personally hope you can sleep at night...You keep printing the notes mate courtesy of the legal aid system and trying to justify a young,immature prick driving at double the speed limit in a 30mph zone.

"There to be seen??"...That maybe the case however there is no way you can judge speed from a distance with the naked eye..Otherwise the old bill would never have the need the calibrated speed guns. They would just say "Well,I think you were doing 50 in a 30 so heres 3 pts"!!
You should be able to judge if someone is approaching at a speed that would mean you pulling out is safe, if you don't think it is you don't pull out.
el bee said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
richardtheref said:
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.

And I personally hope you can sleep at night...You keep printing the notes mate courtesy of the legal aid system and trying to justify a young,immature prick driving at double the speed limit in a 30mph zone.

"There to be seen??"...That maybe the case however there is no way you can judge speed from a distance with the naked eye..Otherwise the old bill would never have the need the calibrated speed guns. They would just say "Well,I think you were doing 50 in a 30 so heres 3 pts"!!
You should be able to judge if someone is approaching at a speed that would mean you pulling out is safe, if you don't think it is you don't pull out.

Wasn't this in the city centre where it is congested with vehicles and people all the time ? If you are edging out of a side street with a restricted view you an only hope that any oncoming traffic will observe the speed limit and see you in time to stop.
ell said:
Not defending him whatsoever but 16 months seems like a fair amount to me so I am defending the judge or whoever sentanced him for that.

I hope all the people who want him hanged have not got/ever had any points on their licence.

Cars are dangerous and can kill whether its a corsa or a ferrari, whether the driver is 17 or 50, male or female.
16 months is fair, imagine your wife driving your 2 kids and looks in her mirror at a car quite a way back and pulls out not realizing the car behind is a boy racer doing way to much speed , dozy of the wife to make the slight mistake of pulling out, but pathetically ignorant and arrogant of meppen walter because he is already carrying points for speeding,and dont seem to give a fuck because once again he is speeding , your 2 kids die in the accident and you say 16 month will do ,
el bee said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
richardtheref said:
I work for a solicitor and we deal purely with motoring accidents. We have never lost a case where our client has been established on the main road and someone has pulled out of a side road. There is simply masses of case law to support the person travelling on the main road. Speed is usually irrelevant as it cannot usually be proved, and in any case the judge will normally take the attitude that the speeding vehicle "was there too be seen" and if you have pulled out then you are taking a risk.

We had a case a few years ago when a young girl lost her life when she pulled oout in front of a police vehicle. The police vehicle was responding to a 999 call down a back country lane when the collision occurred. The police vehicle was proved to have been doing over 120mph due to the time of the collision and where & when they had set off. The judge found the young girl to be at fault and the police driver did not receive any caution whatsoever.

The CMW case may open a can of worms in my business.

And I personally hope you can sleep at night...You keep printing the notes mate courtesy of the legal aid system and trying to justify a young,immature prick driving at double the speed limit in a 30mph zone.

"There to be seen??"...That maybe the case however there is no way you can judge speed from a distance with the naked eye..Otherwise the old bill would never have the need the calibrated speed guns. They would just say "Well,I think you were doing 50 in a 30 so heres 3 pts"!!
You should be able to judge if someone is approaching at a speed that would mean you pulling out is safe, if you don't think it is you don't pull out.

What you think you "should" be able to do and in reality what really happens are 2 different things. I will reiterate my post in that if you could judge speed by the naked a car on a road then the old bill would have zero requirement for speed guns.
This was a tragic incident however I have zero sympathy for CMW. He has caused 2 deaths with the manner of his driving.

Regarding the speed awareness post. I got potted on the east lancs 57 in a 50.Opted for the speed awareness course and I refuse to speed anymore.
You can apply to attend one of these courses at anytime

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