SARS or SARS-CoV symptoms become apparent fairly quickly (1-3 days) it is very infectious il Kills. Tweak the genetic mix a bit and you get SARS-CoV2 or Coronavirus which is Not as infections or lethal but it hides and spreads
SARS-CoV Symptoms 1-3 days, R0 = 3.5 & Mortality = 10% (without ITU intervation)
SARS-CoV-2 Symptoms 2-7 days, R0 = 2.5 Mortality = 3% (without ITU intervation)
Only Tawain learnt the lesson: Don't trust China.
They stopped all flights to infected places and locked down anyone who had travelled for 2 weeks previously for 2 weeks.
Sadly they have now imported cases from the US but are doing the same trick now so will tie everything down fairly quickly.
So why the fuck has everyone utterly failed with this?