COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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just been watching the Dr Campbel video,and hes sugesting that the death rates could have a lot to do with diet,Vitamin D being the major one, he's forcasting the USA death rate to be massive because of the fast food etc,,your post makes great sense
I did a lot of research as I'm at risk (asthma + raised BP)
Doesn’t justify it though. It’s fucking idiocy, and selfish as fuck. Why the government didn’t force them to close earlier is beyond me.

I still think the step by step approach was the right way.

it’s the public who can’t adhere to any form of rule that should shoulder the blame.
I still think the step by step approach was the right way.

it’s the public who can’t adhere to any form of rule that should shoulder the blame.
I guess the next few weeks will show if this approach was the “right way”. I’m apprehensive, to say the least.
Plenty of evidence for the following helping:
1. High potassium diet - nearly everyone hospitalised has Hypokalemia (potassium deficiency). Potatoes, Squashes, Broccoli, Kale Tomatoes, citrus fruit, Bananas, etc.
2. One tab of multivitamins a day with at least 200% RDA of Vitamin D
3. From first sign of infection 2 tabs per day of...
- Vitamin C + Zinc &
- Echinacea
4. After infection detected gargle with very warm boiled water with1/3 teaspoon of salt. It only delays the build up of virus in the lungs but each hour of delay gives the body more time to fight.

It ain't a cure but there is a lot of evidence to say the above helps.

Many great axreally bad sore throat but for many it's non existant or barely noticable early doors.
Those at risk who manage their blood pressure may notice their blood presdure going up in the days before the hammer hits.
Good to know, thank you. Just wish we could actually buy some of those items!
I guess the next few weeks will show if this approach was the “right way”. I’m apprehensive, to say the least.

the figures are going to rocket in the next few weeks I’m sure , but in the long run I think this is the best approach- simply no way any government could have completely shut down a week ago - they’ve had to prepare so much financial packages and also protect people’s jobs and livelihoods as much as possible whilst slowly reducing crowded places.
never been a Tory or a fan of this goverment but they’ve been reassuring this far.
it does chuck it back iin your face a little with the northern Italy diet, is it the Mediterranean diet?, fish oils olive's etc very healthy but not done them any favors
Their cholesterol and blood pressure is incredible but breathing is a different system of the body I suppose and that is what it affects. A lot of Italian smokers on fish oil diets
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