COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Do you not agree that your figures suggest half the population gets flu each year AND that Oxford University suggest 52x fewer people die on average than the figures you’ve posted?
I agree that there is a big difference between the figures I found and those that Chippy found. I went to PHE annual flu report. Here's the link https://assets.publishing.service.g...tory_viruses_in_the_UK_2018_to_2019-FINAL.pdf

See also for a summary of sources. Can't explain as yet the discrepancy.
In the last 10 days, the number of deaths has multiplied 10 fold.

The 5700 figure sounds wildly optimistic to me.

They're effectively predicting best case scenario for UK and worst case for Spain and Italy.

I just hope people that see this don't think 'fuck it, I'm going to my mates house' or start the game of playing down covid-19 with ridiculous flu comparisons like Marvin has already done.
Surely I’m not the only thinking “If that’s true and we normally get 20,000 Flu deaths each year, then why are we and every other country plunging economies into recession with lock downs and why are we building pop up morgues to take 20 odd thousand bodies?”
I assume because if countries didn't go into lockdown the 250,000 deaths would happen as health services are overwhelmed. Who knows whether it will be 5,000 or 10,000, but if we do keep it to that sort of figure it will be because we took the measures.
I think we'll see europe control it. What is most worrying are the situations in poorer countries. How is a country like India going to stop it?

We really need the science to catch up and come up with some quick testing regimes that can be instigated en masse. It does sound like they are getting closer and closer but the British medical advisers say very little about them. Could that be because we haven't bought them and thus don't want to mention them? Strange given that British companies have helped develop them. Perhaps they are not as effective as claimed.
Read yesterday that Spain had its progress stalled by buying 30k defective testing kits from China that were just 30 percent effective. Seemingly not official ones but bought as a " any port in a storm " reaction.
US deaths currently stand at 1,704. Why should their epidemic be any different to China, Italy, UK, Spain etc in general form?

The frightening aspects are the affects in poorer countries for whom social isolation (our main weapon) may not be as effective. I am only speculating but I feel it will be much harder to protect people by this method in poorer countries.

So far countries have to bring themselves almost to a total halt to stop the infection, otherwise the costs would be catastrophic but so far I think the evidence to date shows that deaths will be low in the advanced countries in comparison to the usual 'flu epidemics.
I can think of two reasons:

1. China got the S strain of the virus and it mutated into the L strain after they went into lockdown.

2. China were lying, are lying and will continue to lie.
Went this morning, was fine actually, plenty of food/products, no queues and no one buying unreasonably from what I saw.

Think my area has been lucky with it, never seen crazy queues or people buying excessively - just a lack of chicken, beans and loo roll.
They have all those mate in Aldi if you have one close by my missus went Thursday.
I assume because if countries didn't go into lockdown the 250,000 deaths would happen as health services are overwhelmed. Who knows whether it will be 5,000 or 10,000, but if we do keep it to that sort of figure it will be because we took the measures.
Just a reminder that the Imperial College projections of hundreds of thousands of deaths were assuming the NHS had infinite capacity! However they predicted 8x overload which would make it much worse.

And none of the above was based on "doing nothing". That was based on the "herd immunity* strategy which was progressively introducing measures to flatten the curve. Doing nothing would be worse still.

It would not be ridiculous to imagine death rates well above 1% if 7 out of 8 needing intensive care could not get it. So uncontrolled, we could have been looking at half a million dead, easily.

No to mention the additional cancer deaths, heart attack and stroke deaths from people we are unable to treat because of no capacity being available.
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