COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Their figures are half ours per head of population and twice those of their nordic neighbours. They're also roughly the same point in the epidemic as us.
And they haven't trashed the economy in the process. It will work out well for them.
Their country is less densely populated than ours and they have many fewer knobheads than we do so it wouldn't work for us.

Sweden has 25 people per square KM, UK is 274.

plus there social etiquette is no touching so social distancing by default there.

I did hear that lost of kids get there own places when they hit 18 as well so even more distancing.

plus lots of people self isolating anyways
somewhere in a grey office with no windows, Doris counts up all the new death reports that have landed on her desk since this time yesterday. Her total is 980. She then puts them in a crappy cardboard box and takes it to Irene next door. Irene and her six mates cackle and gossip whilst sorting each report into different piles based on the recorded date of the death. Once they've done that they count each pile and write it on the back of an envelope. Next day Irene takes the envelope to Fred. Fred gives Irene a new envelope and she heads back to her office to catch up on the days gossip. Fred types the numbers into an excel file which is then published here.

I take over from there.
Good one.
The offices do have windows though they may not be able to open them wide enough.
And it's mostly an electronic process these days.
The only bit that isn't is the medics signing the death certificates and associated tasks (like removing pacemakers and other toxic materials as well as post mortems and consultant checking) other signing of forms to allow cremation, audit and the like. The processes go backwards and forwards between staff members and 1 death would take an average of 8 hours of admin work (including delays) spread around the hospital on a good day.
As the medics are on twelve hour shifts they will only get round to signing stuff at the end of the day when they finish their shifts. It will easily take 1, maybe 2 or 3 days at current death rates.
I did use cases for this, back in 2003 during the NHS backbone IT programme. You wouldnt believe the shit that has to be done.
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You want to give Infowars a swerve mate.

"Den har inte varit tillräckligt bra, och det är nog uppenbart för alla i många olika aspekter"
It (prepardness) has not been high enough, and that is obvious to everyone in a lot of different aspects" At no point does he say the country "has not done enough"
He was talking about how emergency resources have been reduced since the end of the cold war 30 years ago. In particular he was talking about 2 things:
i) the reduction in the size of the civil defence force.
ii) the size of the emergeny stock of PPE, which used to be much larger, like FInlands. Finland has for exmple hundreds of thousands of face masks in bunkers across the country which it is now distributing across the country.
Löfven wants money to build up both of these to previous levels, nothing to do with the management of the current crisis in terms of lock down or anything else.

quote was from BBC news
We still have flights coming in from New York with no checks being carried out on any passengers.
I like her more than I thought I would. Far better speaker than the others.
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