COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Wow,the intelligence off the EU,jailed in there own homes oaps,
Yet it seems that the UK vaccine could be rolled out by Sept in trials go ok,

When did, “limit as much as possible” become making people prisoners in their own homes?

The news about the trials is very encouraging and it also shows the commitment of our scientific community with many of the people volunteering for the trials being friends and family of Sarah Gilbert’s research team at Oxford University. From what I heard on the radio this morning, the September timescale includes the trials and production of a quantity of vaccines but it wasn’t clear whether or not any required regulatory clearance was factored in to the timetable.
I can’t see any loosening of the restrictions for at least 3 weeks. After that see where we are

Some businesses may be able to open as will some restaurants as long as they obey strict social distancing measures. Forget pubs, mass-gathering, the general public getting on planes and sporting events

Even if they opened the Trafford Centre tomorrow, the general public will still have a concern for their own health and won’t be running out to crowded shops, bars etc any time soon

I think some restrictions will be lifted June/July but back to this semi-lockdown in September
Don't kid yourself, we saw from the last night of the pubs, some people would be out like flies round shit.
Don't kid yourself, we saw from the last night of the pubs, some people would be out like flies round shit.

I think that the people who didn’t know any better then, certainly understand the gravity of the situation now. But either way, that’s why I think the government won’t be opening pubs, large shopping centres etc
There was a report from Reuters on here stating the first case was in December.
Like others I had that cough/ aches for months(mild symptoms) others were more affected,time off work,
So maybe it was a milder form of the virus.
I know what you're saying. I had friends and family with it over Xmas and into the new year.
I've a friend who'd come back from skiing in Europe, having had it. We met up, a in pub on the weekend of his return. Say five days after his illness. In our number were a couple of 60 year olds, mid 50s (as is he) and the rest mainly 40s. Included was a friend in his late 50s who is terminally ill. The pub was packed with diners too. No one caught it.
My grandson and his father had it. My other two grandsons didn't. Neither did my daughter. They all live in the same household. They didn't get it.
My wife and I came into contact with them on numerous occasions. We came into contact with friends with it, on numerous occasions. We didn't get it.
My daughters household and ours were in close contact with my mother-in-law, who happens to be terminally ill. They were all in contact with her pregnant daughter in law We were also in close contact with them. The didn't get it.
My wife and daughter both work in (different) residential homes. One of which had their first Covid death yesterday. They were in close contact with their elderly residents and families. It's now going through the home. The other is still Covid free.
Which takes me back to my suggestion that what was going around wasn't the Covid. It just couldn't have been, otherwise, with the amount of contact I've mentioned, my family would've turned residential homes, locally into killing fields.
We'd have most likely taken out my terminally ill mother in law. My terminally ill friend would most likely have been taken out. The pregnant daughter in law may well have been taken ill with it. And above all, as mentioned two care homes, at least would've been wiped out.
What was going around back then just couldn't have been anything like what's going around now.
I think I've probably mentioned this elsewhere Kaz, not sure if I have though. I think many were aware of it in China but it didn't strike home how much of a global threat it would transpire to be last December.

A good friend who I used to work with 18 years ago told me it a former workmate had died and asked would I be going to his funeral. I liked the deceased guy but wasn't close to him as my mate was. I told my mate I'd take him as he's retired and no longer drives, plus he'd have to take 2 buses to Denton. The funeral was on 16th of January.

On the 14th I woke up in the early hours gasping for breath. My room was very cold (as I don't like heating on at night) and I was burning up, aching and sweating buckets. My chest and back in particular were very prickly, chest was heavy and tight. I needed the loo so staggered into the bathroom as though I was Punch drunk and couldn't focus my eyes. Not knowing the CV symptoms were(at the time) I put it down to a bad bout of 'man flu'. But unlike a bad cold or influenza where you can easily go through a box of tissues in no time from a streaming nose and coughing up phlegm, this was dry and my hacking cough was almost constant. I genuinely thought I was dying and started to feel scared and anxious. Eventually I managed to nod off and when I woke up in the morning, my quilt bedsheet and pillow were wet through with sweat. I ran a bath and put the washing in the machine, too weak to change the bedding. Only just managed to have a bath and make a cup of tea and take a couple paracetamol. I went back to bed and slept most of the day and could hardly get out of bed.

Took well over a week to shift the cough and 3 weeks before I started feeling anything like myself.

This virus has been around a while, passed on the air and sea travel, it's just that many don't know they've had it putting it down to normal flu as I did, but thinking about it it ain't anything normal. I don't know I've had it as I haven't been tested, but I'd put a grand on(to charity) with anyone that I'd test positive for it.

It's a compete bastard is this virus but I think It depends on one's general wellbeing, fitness and immune system in fighting it off. Those who are elderly and those with underlying health problems elderly or not I really hope they don't get it, or anyone else.

My elderly mother I can only take food to her house and have a brief chat at distance. My eldest daughter (nurse) won't come to my house or her grans for fear of being a carrier of the virus and I don't blame her but it's taking a strain on me worrying she's coping ok right now, especially now her workload has increased with several of her nursing colleagues off work with symptoms and now self isolating .

My sister in Italy has been in full lockdown there for 34 days or so, she's been scratching the walls losing her mind, but has now started to not watch each news bulletin like a hawk. Healthy eating PMA and exercise seem to be lifting her spirits.

A good friend of mine has the virus and is in hospital. My ex father in law was in hospital with it and is now thankfully recovering at home. A couple of friends of my friends have it, it's not good.

I myself have been trying to stay focused on keeping rational, eating and sleeping as well as I can, playing lots of music, reading stuff that is stimulating and not depressing unlike UK news is.

We all have to do our bit, social distancing and being sensible about the current situation. So glad that the selfish greedy bastards have had their fill and others are now able buy essential items.

This has made me think more than ever before about life and death. We have never known collectively as a human race how precious life is in our lives Or was sadly for those who are suffering with it or lost loved ones.

Stay safe folks and do what you can for others and yourselves.
I had the symptoms you've mentioned in February of last year. It turned out to be Acute Bronchitis. If it had been this year I may have been thinking it was something far more sinister.
They do if you’re deficient.

There’s not a lot of point taking them if you’re not or eat a proper varied diet. Most people who eat a proper varied diet (meats, birds, fish, other sea food, complex carbohydrates, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, leaves, roots, fruit, fungi, cheese, and some include insects and flowers too) get most of the nutrients they need.

How many of us eat all of those things regularly?

But even if we did and lived in Britain, for six months of the year we have weak sunshine and days that last about 7½ hours in midwinter and the best form of Vitamin D is from the Sun. Around 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 children are VitD deficient in Britain. We should up our VitD intake during those months.

What doesn’t seem to be mentioned there is that supplement makers use weak or poor forms of vitamins and minerals in their supplements, because they’re cheaper to mass produce. So aren’t nearly as effective as foodstuffs. So increasing VitD intake in Great Britain in the Winter should come from foodstuffs first but it’s still definitely beneficial to take VitD supplement during Winter months.
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I think that the people who didn’t know any better then, certainly understand the gravity of the situation now. But either way, that’s why I think the government won’t be opening pubs, large shopping centres etc
I can imagine it will take the travel industry a long time to recover. I mean with all we know now about transmission in the air etc, who would fancy getting on an easyJet flight, sitting in close proximity to 7 or 8 people for a couple of hours and breathing in the exhaled content from 200 others?
I know what you're saying. I had friends and family with it over Xmas and into the new year.
I've a friend who'd come back from skiing in Europe, having had it. We met up, a in pub on the weekend of his return. Say five days after his illness. In our number were a couple of 60 year olds, mid 50s (as is he) and the rest mainly 40s. Included was a friend in his late 50s who is terminally ill. The pub was packed with diners too. No one caught it.
My grandson and his father had it. My other two grandsons didn't. Neither did my daughter. They all live in the same household. They didn't get it.
My wife and I came into contact with them on numerous occasions. We came into contact with friends with it, on numerous occasions. We didn't get it.
My daughters household and ours were in close contact with my mother-in-law, who happens to be terminally ill. They were all in contact with her pregnant daughter in law We were also in close contact with them. The didn't get it.
My wife and daughter both work in (different) residential homes. One of which had their first Covid death yesterday. They were in close contact with their elderly residents and families. It's now going through the home. The other is still Covid free.
Which takes me back to my suggestion that what was going around wasn't the Covid. It just couldn't have been, otherwise, with the amount of contact I've mentioned, my family would've turned residential homes, locally into killing fields.
We'd have most likely taken out my terminally ill mother in law. My terminally ill friend would most likely have been taken out. The pregnant daughter in law may well have been taken ill with it. And above all, as mentioned two care homes, at least would've been wiped out.
What was going around back then just couldn't have been anything like what's going around now.
Spot on.

It's really not helpful the endless posts from people saying they may have had COVID-19 around Christmas time, simply because they had s cold or flu.

No-one in the UK had Coronavirus infection around that time: it would be impossible. Were that the case, the spread of the disease in the UK would have occured much quicker than it did.

I don't know why people persist with the idea? Maybe it's some clutching at straws hoping they may now be immune from it?
Spot on.

It's really not helpful the endless posts from people saying they may have had COVID-19 around Christmas time, simply because they had s cold or flu.

No-one in the UK had Coronavirus infection around that time: it would be impossible. Were that the case, the spread of the disease in the UK would have occured much quicker than it did.
From what we now know it just couldn't have been.
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