COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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At this present time I'm trying to minimise my risk of developing it. Basically we're social distancing within the household, with me sleeping in the lounge at night. This being due to the fact my wife is now working in an environment where it's running rife.
All we can do at home is try to keep the viral load (if present) to a minimum.
Fair play mate, and good luck with it all.
At this present time I'm trying to minimise my risk of developing it. Basically we're social distancing within the household, with me sleeping in the lounge at night. This being due to the fact my wife is now working in an environment where it's running rife.
All we can do at home is try to keep the viral load (if present) to a minimum.
Build an out-house for the missus mate, she’ll be alright out there for a few weeks/month/long term.

Seriously, hope you all stay well though fella!
The BBC's just been informing people that it would be a great time to set up bird boxes under their eaves. Fuck me. Are they for real ?
Which part of staying safe involves getting your arse up a fucking double extension ladder ??
Not sure “staying in” means you have to stay within your lounge mate. Of course you can do DIY and odd jobs around your home.
One thing I’ll add to your post and throw in the mix was my experience that I posted about a few weeks ago, where me and 10 friends spent 3 days in close contact with a guy who on his return to Oz tested positive for covid who therefore conclusively had it during the 3 days we all spent together.

Without having antibody tests we obviously can’t be sure who had it asymptomatically however it’s fucking weird that as it stands not one of us have gone down with it.

Doesn’t make sense.

And where do you think the oz guy got it ?
Well i can tell you now that there is no lockdown in reality. In reality, all that is being observed is (very loose) social distancing.
I have never seen so many people taking their "daily allowed exercise". We are definitely on course for winning the Tour De France and Olympics next time around!

I've managed to keep my (outdoor based) business going during this crisis. In fact nothing has changed except for difficulty getting spare parts and materials.
I have a very robust safe working system in place. At no point do i come into contact with any of my customers.
Everything is conducted via telephone before/during/after work. The customers has to agree to never leave the house while i'm on site.

But yet lately, i'm seeing friends/family/neighbours visit them during their "officially allowed daily exercise". Some visitors, will stay a few metres away from a window or open garage door. So you think there is no problem right?
But no, several times i have seen visitors "just nip in for a minute". Or other pathetic excuses.
I think they think it is like the "five second rule" when you drop your toast. You know, the one where all germs don't invade for 5 seconds to give you a chance!
Some people are even visiting several times a day.
Then there is the dating couples. Nothing on earth is going to keep these people apart. So you see kids from one family constantly swapping house to see each other.
Then there are the senior rebels. Obviously, since they are old, they know best. I'm seeing my elderly customers leaving the house several times a day.
Sometimes it's for their "officially allowed exercise", that seems to take around two hours. Then it's off in the car to do some shopping. Again several times a day. They somehow manage to still be at home when their friends are taking their "daily allowed exercise" and just call round for a chat.
I work for some of the richest people in the North West, so we are not talking about thick twats who know no better.

As you can imagine, this has caused me a dilemma. Do i say something and risk losing a customer/getting paid, or stay quiet and just finish the job?
So far, all i've done is return to my van until any visitors leave. I've then made it clear that the constant "visits" has caused me to stop working and that is costing them money. I've now got to the point where i'm going to close down. Normally sensible people are putting themselves and me(my family) at risk.

Everybody who is breaking the "lockdown" is justifying what they do. But that doesn't make them right. They will be responsible for the continuation of this crisis. (Not the government)
NOBODY needs to exercise outside. I don't want to hear that running/cycling cleanses your soul. Using the word "nip" doesn't make any activity acceptable (BTW a ten mile yomp over the moors isn't nipping anywhere!). I understand staying healthy is important, but you can find ways to do this at home.
We were only "asked" to lockdown for three weeks FFS!
I don't think it truly lasted a week...
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Here's a government paper study that perhaps informed government thinking for advice on mass gatherings. It was about influenza pandemics but this wasn't influenza and wasn't behaving like influenza (one specific difference being that the study cited lack of evidence of being passed on at skiing events). It also included ships as mass gatherings.

I can't link the pdf but googling
Assets "mass gatherings"
should bring it up.
Spot on.

It's really not helpful the endless posts from people saying they may have had COVID-19 around Christmas time, simply because they had s cold or flu.

No-one in the UK had Coronavirus infection around that time: it would be impossible. Were that the case, the spread of the disease in the UK would have occured much quicker than it did.

I don't know why people persist with the idea? Maybe it's some clutching at straws hoping they may now be immune from it?

That's reassuring, thanks Chippy.

Just out of interest, do you believe that the first person to catch Covid19 in the UK got it on 5th March ?

If not, since you evidently know these things, how long before that did it arrive ? A day ? A week ? A month ? 2 months ?
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