It's difficult to deal with. Easy to laze around. Very difficult to do stuff.It’s quite amazing how something like this has brought the world to its knees in less than 6 weeks.
So tough on so many people. Mental health issues but be going through the roof. I’ve been feeling a bit shit the last few days for the first time since it started.
I always walk, it’s nice to drag it out for a bit.Tell you what: ditch the car and walk when you go shopping! I’ve just done two week’s worth of shopping and walked home with it. Proper traps, forearm and legs workout. Shopping and daily exercise in one hit...
in one view its very positive but in another it means the local hospitals are past capacity and the overflow is starting to be used.
Edit: My view on these hospitals are they are there for when we loosen the lockdown. a ton of extra capacity, wait till the flu season is over and then loosen lock down when there is capacity to handle it.
if these over spill ones start to fill up then either lock down again or build more.
I think this will be around for years yet, we will just have to live with it and hope for the best
I know. When South Korea stopped it, the world should have really taken notice. for some inexplicable reason they didn't. IPerhaps their ingrained teaching was so strong they thought they knew better. It's a new virus but if one nation found a solution that worked, why did no one copy them until it's too late. You can understand Western nations baulking at China's lockdown but not at testing. South Korea don't even need to do that much testing because it is at low levels in their people. I suspect more people die from travel related incidents in China and South Korea than Covid19. yesterday China reported one death and South Korea 3 from Covid 19....which is of course the WHO advice that we and Trump ignored.
"All countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoVinfection, and to share full data with WHO"
(30 January)
Nah I reckon we'll have vaccines being rolled out during 2021. There's an insanely huge amount of money in this for whoever has a successful vaccine for this first, and let's be honest - not many things motivate people like that! ha.
I admit it may circulate in some areas still, but UK i think will be vaccinated by 2022 at latest.
I scrapped my car just before this all happened and I think it’s the best move I’ve done for years.I always walk, it’s nice to drag it out for a bit.