COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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When lockdown lifting? (Erm he has already explained that)must wait for the data,cant risk second peak and second lockdown

Tests into how many have been infected and immune? Loads of different people testing it,we do not have a good test yet,we only have crude data,we are not there that

Number of cases will factor in care homes? ONS figures mention covid but they might not have been infected because they weren't tested
,need to work on getting the R number down

5-6,000 more deaths in the country than this time last year,people must go to hospital with normal health problems,the nhs is open

Deaths in black and ethnic community,review? Not clear,age,other health probs and being a man are clear risk factors,we are looking at it in more detail

Old people are scared they might not get out again when they hear they might have stay in till a vaccine- measures are taken to safeguard them,the aim is to keep the R number down,the approaches are not done to be sidelining them

Are ministers avoiding giving details into easing the lockdown? No

Spread of infections going up ,are measures inadequate? Getting to grips with care homes,measures set out yesterday

Indirect deaths caused by covid like other conditions like operations not being done,nhs hasn't been able to respond because of covid,they are looking at it

WHO comments about our response? Not heard them

Coming out of lockdown is a delicate balance,the way out is vaccines and other drugs that might help,clinical trials are ongoing

Keeping R below one is the aim,social distancing will have to continue in some form

Bit worrying that by yesterday we'd only done 18,000 tests per day.
On a linear basis to get from the 10,000 per day at the end of March to the 100,000 per day at the end of April we should have been at 55,000 per day.
So unless we're going to ramp it up dramatically in the next two weeks we will fall well short of the 100k per day.
That's worrying for lots of reasons not least of which is coming out of lockdown ( I.e. is the R factor below 1, who's had the disease and who hasn't etc etc).
Item on TV the other day on this as the superlabs come on stream and move from manual to automated processesing there will be a step change Alledegely.
I8rags in normal times it's difficult for military aircraft to do touch n go at commercial airfields, so now is the perfect time to do approaches at airports they wouldn't normally get to use .
It’s not even been mentioned at all in this press conference has it?

Nit one journo has asked the question neither.

I think Mr Morgan raised it with Mr Hancock this morning. Around 15,000 a day or just shy of half a million monthly unchecked travelers is a little disconcerting to say the least. They cant all be ex pats or Brits trapped abroad so why the blase attitude when were on a severe lock down.
Saying we are keeping pace with the worst countries in europe is not a great thing to be proud of ,we had an advantage of time,we saw it coming in plenty of time,we should be way below them

Yes but that is nothing to do with allowing exercise which is what we were talking about. If we entered our semi-lockdown earlier, which in hindsight we should have, then we may have different figures. My point is allowing exercise once a day is low risk and I'd be surprised if it has caused barely any infections at all. Added to that 2 of the ways recommended to best avoid it are exercise and vitamin D, not getting either sat in the house feeling sorry for ourselves all day.
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