COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I seen something similar mate. Was it the white blood cells fought the virus off, so the immune system did not need antibodies? I am sure there were antibodies though in older aged and vulnerable people as their immune systems had to try and tackle it.

Yep. I reckon you and I are referring to the same thing.
No mate. A vaccine works by making your body make antibodies. Same as having had it and therefore the issue is that if one can get it again (despite having had it and despite your body having antibodies) then a vaccine wouldn’t work.
Big difference between being able to get it again and the likelihood of getting it again.

Obviously the knowledge keeps changing but what WHO said about antibodies hasn't led them to abandon looking for vaccines.

Here's what was said.
What is the current evidence for animal reservoirs where it will re-emerge from?
It doesnt need to do much re-emergence as it's still spreading with an Rt (the change of R0 over time in an epidemic) of nearly one even under lockdown.
But in answer to your question Felis Felis or the common household cat is the best bet.
Not really, just no need for it.
1 Just know the huge strain local councils are under and the funding for likes of binmen is a struggle - would be chaos if bins were not collected - like all front line services at the moment, 2they are not wearing enough protective gear and where I live anyway, they’ve always gone beyond their duties - taking rubbish dumped and people putting shit in wrong bins etc.
seen a lot of 3Thankyou signs left by people and kids on bins lately (sure that also makes you angry) so was just thinking of a way to also tip, apologies, didn’t think this would be such a controversial point.

Bolded1 - tipping your binmen has nothing to do with this point or what I said or what you initially said either tbh.

Bolded 2 - How is tipping the binmen going to help with ppe issues and again nothing to do with the original comment.

Bolded 3 - Why would it but you carry on being presumptuous on the back of one "Oh piss off"

So on that score I take it you have never had a conversation with somebody, let's say your pal and you said "oh fuck off mate" or "oh piss off mate that's crap, Erasure were the best band of the 80's" or whatever, it isn't like I have just said "PISS OFF" and left it at that like an insult but you take it that way if you want.

I see you didn't answer why you don't feel the need to tip them on a weekly basis though, probably too busy filling your reply with unrelated fluff and that is answer enough I guess.

Also, do remember to clap for us as it does make all the difference.
Bolded1 - tipping your binmen has nothing to do with this point or what I said or what you initially said either tbh.

Bolded 2 - How is tipping the binmen going to help with ppe issues and again nothing to do with the original comment.

Bolded 3 - Why would it but you carry on being presumptuous on the back of one "Oh piss off"

So on that score I take it you have never had a conversation with somebody, let's say your pal and you said "oh fuck off mate" or "oh piss off mate that's crap, Erasure were the best band of the 80's" or whatever, it isn't like I have just said "PISS OFF" and left it at that like an insult but you take it that way if you want.

I see you didn't answer why you don't feel the need to tip them on a weekly basis though, probably too busy filling your reply with unrelated fluff and that is answer enough I guess.

Also, do remember to clap for us as it does make all the difference.

Christ mate, I’m suggesting a good deed - no need to be a dick.
Christ mate, I’m suggesting a good deed - no need to be a dick.

I asked you a simple question of why you think it necessary whilst not doing so the rest of the time, I already told you I am an essential worker, I deliver food to hospitals, old folks homes, and any sandwich shops that are still open etc and I am asking why you feel the need to tip an essential worker at this moment for doing the same job as they have always done for you.

You aren't answering this question but once again you deflect and now I am a dick lol

If anybody is reading I don't need to be tipped save your 80% furlough money for better causes.
I asked you a simple question of why you think it necessary whilst not doing so the rest of the time, I already told you I am an essential worker, I deliver food to hospitals, old folks homes, and any sandwich shops that are still open etc and I am asking why you feel the need to tip an essential worker at this moment for doing the same job as they have always done for you.

You aren't answering this question but once again you deflect and now I am a dick lol

If anybody is reading I don't need to be tipped save your 80% furlough money for better causes.
Here’s a tip for you. Try being a little more polite.

The poster you’re attacking did nothing to merit it (even though I don’t particularly agree with him either).
I mean, have we got enough gowns and other PPE for all those Nightingale beds lying unused when other hospitals are desperate? Or are the Nightingale beds unusable because they have no PPE?

I think the London Nightingale Hospital, providing critical care, is different to some of the others like the Manchester one (offering a step down service for peole not in need of critical care). I assume the gowns would only be used by the teams (in the London Nightingale) directly caring for the patients with Covid 19. If the low bed occupancy means they have surplus founds then I would expect them to be redistributed to other London Hospitals.

The Manchester and Birmingham Nightingales should be busier because their care is less dependant on cases exceeding ICU capacity in local hospitals. I’m not sure if the case mix will include people recovering from Covid 19 whose life’s are not at risk or not, and that might be a factor in how many gowns the staff get through. I’m guessing on this point.
No mate. A vaccine works by making your body make antibodies. Same as having had it and therefore the issue is that if one can get it again (despite having had it and despite your body having antibodies) then a vaccine wouldn’t work.
I think what they are saying is some people that had it asymptomatic or mild symptoms overcame it without antibodies so may not be immune. As I understand it others those that had more serious cases will have antibodies. So they aren’t saying we aren’t capable of producing antibodies in which case a vaccine would work. Just some of us didn’t need to produce antibodies so a test may not be as valuable or accurate as we hoped. At least that was my take.
I asked you a simple question of why you think it necessary whilst not doing so the rest of the time, I already told you I am an essential worker, I deliver food to hospitals, old folks homes, and any sandwich shops that are still open etc and I am asking why you feel the need to tip an essential worker at this moment for doing the same job as they have always done for you.

You aren't answering this question but once again you deflect and now I am a dick lol

If anybody is reading I don't need to be tipped save your 80% furlough money for better causes.

being honest, i've never thought about it before - now during these times, i see they are not getting protective gear and councils are struggling with funding (these situations i've not seen before) - so to avoid bins not being collected, would be a good collective time to support binmen and other front line essential workers like yourself
my brother in law is an ambulance driver - he is receiving gifts on his windscreens out and about , he loves it and posts on social media every time - suppose he should be instead moaning about why no one cared before ?
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