COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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No idea of the actual reasons but as of yesterday I qualified for a test. I don't need one but if I did I have no clue how to go about it. Where do you go? How do you book an appointment? What proof do you need?

Possibly might be a reason why there not getting anywhere near the numbers they apparently say they can test.
I don't expect ministers to arrange tests themselves. They have people to do that. But we recruited or diverted thousands of civil servants to do get Brexit done by the end of the year. Are they all still working on that?
There appears to be more going around than C19 at this time. One good tip is to stop drinking cold drinks, as these will flush any virus further into your body. Drinking hot drinks has a better chance of killing it, whether Vimto or tea etc. This is being advised in some other countries, and sounds logical.
Have heard that gullible isn’t actually in the dictionary.

Keep your bullshit “good tips” to yourself.
Yet again only half the UK's testing capacity has been called upon. Is this the strategy of a government hell bent on suppressing the virus?
See ministry of justice have paused early release scheme after prisoners released by mistake. Ffs how incompetent are they? It's not difficult surely to distinguish which can be let out.
All in open prisons. They wouldn't be in open prisons if they couldn't be let out (a bit of generalisation). They all went back in when requested.
Yet again only half the UK's testing capacity has been called upon. Is this the strategy of a government hell bent on suppressing the virus?
Could be down to a geographical issue. Our closest test centres are180 miles from each other. The nearest to us is 80 miles away. A lot of people don't have the means to get to either.
Fuck knows how they expect anyone with symptoms to get there.
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All in open prisons. They wouldn't be in open prisons if they couldn't be let out (a bit of generalisation). They all went back in when requested.
Yes but the process off letting the wrong people out is still going on. That was my point. There is a local open prison near us and the fuckers are walking out on a weekly basis
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