COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Why is this even a topic? (That's a question that does not require an answer.)

wish I never bothered!
Although I took Rics advice - saw them at bottom of road, wrote ‘thanks’ on a post-it and taped a tenner to top of bin - they took it all good. Sorry to offend bluealf.
"Any virus" includes coronavirus.

Not drinking enough water causes harm.

'More likely' is pretty general and not a silver bullet for everything, and water comes in different temperatures apparently.

Anyway as 90% of what is said on here is bullshit who cares?
You don’t need to tip anyone, ever.

He was suggesting he might and you replied with a very strong opinion that he didn’t need to.

I guess you’d never tip people waiting on you in a restaurant, given that they are doing the job they are paid to do.

I did read the conversation and your posting type is very aggressive, whether you mean it to be or not.

I’m not sure I would be able to have such strong views on such a mundane topic.

Yet here you are still rattling on, you are a very odd person it seems.

So if you had read the thread as you have exclaimed twice why did you suggest I worked in the NHS, I guess it was just for a smart mouth moment then?

Also interesting that you bring up tipping restaurant staff, as you actually do that all the time and not just during the crisis, which I guess if you had been reading the thread and following the posts, you would have noticed that was what I was intimating from the start but yeah well done for the need to fire in the wrongly assumed dig, a bit of a backfire but thanks for playing.

It is over now, go and play with somebody else instead lol
It seems hopes of a vaccine are not good.

This guy is a microbiologist of 28 years standing

Is he though? He keeps saying he is, but he acts like a right twat on there. Lots of spelling mistakes for a scientist, who are usually incredibly concise and particular about how they choose their words. He also blocks and reports an awful lot of people going through his tweets. Basically, he acts like a man with a chip on his shoulder.
Does anyone know if Italy’s includes care homes?
@west didsblue

Found this

Italy and Spain, by contrast, do not report deaths in care settings regularly. In Italy, best estimates were based on a survey of 10% of care homes in the country. The death rate in this sample was extrapolated to reach an estimate for all care homes, which suggests 53% of coronavirus deaths were happening in care.
Is he though? He keeps saying he is, but he acts like a right twat on there. Lots of spelling mistakes for a scientist, who are usually incredibly concise and particular about how they choose their words. He also blocks and reports an awful lot of people going through his tweets. Basically, he acts like a man with a chip on his shoulder.
I'm not sure you get how this works. If they're on twitter, they're experts. Simple as.
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