COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Yet again only half the UK's testing capacity has been called upon. Is this the strategy of a government hell bent on suppressing the virus?
The defensive strategy is in place. It consumes the tests that it does.
Moving over to the attack will consume an immense amount of tests. The question is when will this start?
They will never admit staff not being protected have led to deaths,they are saying they are looking into every case,yeah right
Yeah and whatever they find will be quickly swept under a big rug, only thing is they'll need a fucking big brush to get it done.
There appears to be more going around than C19 at this time. One good tip is to stop drinking cold drinks, as these will flush any virus further into your body. Drinking hot drinks has a better chance of killing it, whether Vimto or tea etc. This is being advised in some other countries, and sounds logical.
Hmmmmm. Hot beer? No, it's not doing it for me.
paramedic now dead,bbc breaking,,,i can see this lot in the courts at the end of it all 'Gross negligence' i think the term is
The fallout from this incompetence at best(or blatant disregard for human life) will drag on for many years to come.
wish I never bothered!
Although I took Rics advice - saw them at bottom of road, wrote ‘thanks’ on a post-it and taped a tenner to top of bin - they took it all good. Sorry to offend bluealf.
You have nothing to apologise for mate. You have not said or done anything wrong. He was the one that saw his arse
I’d finished. I’ve not read whatever nonsense you have posted here.

don’t forget to shake your fists and mutter some diatribe when they come to empty your bins this week.

Maybe you should have thought about that before you jumped in frothing at the mouth about my bedside manner.

I have no truck with binmen, again if you had read the thread it was actually to do with tipping key workers during this crisis and not the rest of the year, stating that I was a key worker and used my own situation as an example saying I didn't want to be tipped by people who could ill afford it or those only doing it for a self-congratulatory pat on the back.

Read it or don't read it as I don't really care but the post was in defence of your false insinuations only.
Just seen onTwitter (so the caveat here is obviously that this could be bollocks) that the Gloucestershire NHS Foundation Trust has had over twice as many Covid deaths as other hospitals in the South West. And have a guess at one of the areas covered by this Hospital. Yup, Cheltenham.
It’s possibly true as Gloucester as a county is about the 20th worst area according to some stats I saw. They had 887 deaths, Bristol 437
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