COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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It’s inevitable unfortunately.

Pushing people back to schools etc will ultimately lead to a huge second wave and potentially another lockdown. By staying more secure and not rushing out of the original lockdown, there’s the change to minimise future damage. A second wave linked to trying to get back to normality so soon will have a far bigger impact on the economy than a tight initial lockdown would. I pray I’m wrong on that but it feels like how things are heading at the moment.
That’s why stuff is opening slowly to avoid the second wave and our immune systems will be weaker from not been in contact with people
Also heard on the radio today that a final call (yes or no) on schools won't be made until the 28th.
So should nursing home staff not work?
Should the staff at supermarkets not work?
Staff are not 2m away at supermarkets from each other
Yes, they have ppe
Yes they have ppe and screens.
They should be and are in any supermarket I go in.
I’ve nothing against people making a passionate defence of teachers and the difficulties they face in all of this but to then flippantly say “the economy is fucked anyway” when posters are trying to point out a fucked economy will kill way more people than the virus itself is nothing short of idiotic.

Schools being open in June and July would most certainly lead to more deaths than just two extra months of no school would.
Literally nothing is safe once you leave your front door, so that is absolutely impossible.

Safe was probably the wrong word to use, not at a higher risk of spreading the virus is more apt.

At the end of the day no one currently knows the role children play in the spread of the disease.

It therefore boils down to children and teachers being put in a position where they cannot abide by the government’s social distancing measures.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with Unions questioning that.
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