COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Peer pressure is a very different argument to the educational needs and what they are actually learning.

A lot of school is about your relationships and that may actually be a bigger problem than the academic schooling itself.

Fair play to your daughter for keeping her head down, but remember it starts at home and with the parents so a big up to yourself for properly educating her.

If every parent did that across the board and in normal life, we’d have a much better society and a better future to look forward to for the next generation.

Cheers pal
A guy came round to put new windows in for me today after a burglary. His small talk was “back to normal at last, eh?”. Went fishing in the afternoon and there was a group of six teenage girls having a picnic. I went round to pick up a curry tonight and there were 6 chefs cooking together, no social distancing, no masks, nothing.

I reckon the country has abandoned lockdown and there’s going to be a huge spike in cases in the near few weeks.

I’m probably not in a position to pass judgment here because I’ve been out today, although within the guidelines set.

What I did see whilst out was significant traffic, I’d go so far as to say like a normal Friday. They could all have been doing what I was, ie driving to a walking destination, but I doubt it with the volume that existed.

I think the biggest concern is that families are now reconnecting. Whilst out, there were large groups of people, car loads meeting up etc for the trail.

That will also convert into household meetings, I’m certain of that.

Like I’ve said all week though, that is by design in my opinion.
Your up late
Since covid and not being able to breathe in the night and having to go up to hosp twice in the first few nights because of it I have developed a worry going to bed till it gets light,it is anxiety thing,until I stop getting a bit breathless on exertion then I'm scared to sleep in the night, probably just need a slap to get me out of it
Form a queue lol

Ric first :)
Since covid and not being able to breathe in the night and having to go up to hosp twice in the first few nights because of it I have developed a worry going to bed till it gets light,it is anxiety thing,until I stop getting a bit breathless on exertion then I'm scared to sleep in the night, probably just need a slap to get me out of it
Form a queue lol

Ric first :)

For very different reasons, I’m doing exactly the same thing.

Im averaging about 4 hours sleep, getting up eating breakfast, then knocking out 20k on the exercise bike. Few weights, lunch and then a 6 mile walk. Rinse and repeat.

Strangely, I feel like a million fucking dollars.

I miss working but in some ways this lock down has been a blessing.
You do know that teachers have to plan lessons and mark work, don’t you? It’s not a 9:30-3:30 job. That’s their lesson time. Even milk time has been taken from them.

Like I said in the message you have quoted, it’s not a debate for this thread.

I have my point of view on it. Best to just leave it there.
Salary. Working time.

The usual suspects, but that’s not a debate for this thread.

not starting an argument, but have a read up on a teachers working life and see if it changes your mind.

there is a lot more too it than most people think.

and then you have the fact they have to deal with kids every day!! Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.
For very different reasons, I’m doing exactly the same thing.

Im averaging about 4 hours sleep, getting up eating breakfast, then knocking out 20k on the exercise bike. Few weights, lunch and then a 6 mile walk. Rinse and repeat.

Strangely, I feel like a million fucking dollars.

I miss working but in some ways this lock down has been a blessing.
Sounds like it is doing you the world of good,you might not want to go back to work ,it will be interesting to see what the country is like after this,more retire early,more work from home,movement in and out of the nhs,patients and staff,more self employed,kids still going to uni or taking off travelling more,our use of transport,hope I am still here to see what sticks,i hope we are are a nicer world and I include nicer to nature and climate change
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