COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Found the study you mention

Daily reported cases peaked at the beginning of April 2020 and hospital deaths a week later in England. By the second half of April, based on extrapolating the variation in infection rate between local authorities with more or less cases reported depending on location, over 25% in the UK population could already have had the virus, the team have found.

Dr Adrian Heald from The University of Manchester, one of the researchers, said: “COVID-19 is a highly infectious condition and very dangerous for a small group of people. However a much larger group seem to have low or no symptoms and have been unreported.,“This study tries to provide an estimate of the number of historic infections

At a quick glance they seem have added in all who have no symptoms and even though we are not finding many of them because we have only tested people with symptoms and we stopped mid March and haven't long got going again properly,the antibody test is the one to find out who has had it without symptoms along with the few we have found already
Thanks, but until we're all tested its just bollocks imho.

I have had "mild symptoms" about 5 times since February, and have some now in fact, but I very much doubt I've had it or have it, and I will continue my own precautions not to get it.

However the mirror article encourages people to think they have had it, and therefore think they're immune, it was an irresponsible headline in my opinion, not that it surprises me.
I genuinely believe the majority of heads and school teachers would like to open the schools if they were fully informed and felt confident they could minimise risk to a very low level.

I strongly believe in the usefulness and need for unions, bar the obvious number of awkward shop stewards and reps (I have come across a few). Admittedly, the unions may not appear easy to negotiate with. However, the Govt/DfE should have foreseen this and started dialogue with them and the relevant schools organisations earlier.
My son in law is a school head. The government and local authorities have been duscussing the issues with primary heads for 4 weeks. FOUR weeks.
(Note: Not every school but a very large subset - a few in each authority. it is up to local authorities if this information is shared with other schools.)
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things are moving quickly and slowly at the moment ( well it feels that way to me ) schools opening is 1 June which is two weeks away and things are moving the right way infection wise , who knows in two weeks hopefully parents and teachers will have more confidence to a slow return

yep. Goverment should have said we’ll review the 1st June, if infection rate is safe enough then prepare for around mid June.
Thanks, but until we're all tested its just bollocks imho.

I have had "mild symptoms" about 5 times since February, and have some now in fact, but I very much doubt I've had it or have it, and I will continue my own precautions not to get it.

However the mirror article encourages people to think they have had it, and therefore think they're immune, it was an irresponsible headline in my opinion, not that it surprises me.
You don't have to tell me that,i have a real stake in the immunity question,i am forever having to tell people to slow down on that because of studies like the Manchester one,until WHO ,our CMO ,those making our vaccine or a big centre in america come up with one that they all agree on then it is not certain and they all say it takes time,months and years of re-testing to know for sure

Call 111 and see what they say,you are not over 65 are you? (Runs away) you can get one then

Stay safe
I've seen on Sky News reports of intended anti lockdown rallies planned for this weekend. Am I being a snowflake thinking that these are unbelievably irresponsible? I don't feel one bit that the lockdown was an infringement on my human rights. It was imposed to stop the spread of a deadly virus with no known cure that has taken the lives of over 30,000 people in just over 2 months. I'd rather be at home,safe and sound knowing that come Christmas 2020 I can have my Christmas dinner with all my family there intact and healthy. On VE night last week I could hear a party with karaoke going on! What better way to spread a deadly virus than to drunkedly sing and spit on a mic then hand it around to others. We are nowhere near out of the woods yet with this. Instead of having their anti lockdown protest I suggest they spend 12 hours in an ICU with the NHS staff there and see what they think after. The lockdown is to try and minimise the number of fatalities and to protect the already overstretched health service. Anti lockdown my arse.
I've seen on Sky News reports of intended anti lockdown rallies planned for this weekend. Am I being a snowflake thinking that these are unbelievably irresponsible? I don't feel one bit that the lockdown was an infringement on my human rights. It was imposed to stop the spread of a deadly virus with no known cure that has taken the lives of over 30,000 people in just over 2 months. I'd rather be at home,safe and sound knowing that come Christmas 2020 I can have my Christmas dinner with all my family there intact and healthy. On VE night last week I could hear a party with karaoke going on! What better way to spread a deadly virus than to drunkedly sing and spit on a mic then hand it around to others. We are nowhere near out of the woods yet with this. Instead of having their anti lockdown protest I suggest they spend 12 hours in an ICU with the NHS staff there and see what they think after. The lockdown is to try and minimise the number of fatalities and to protect the already overstretched health service. Anti lockdown my arse.
Those idiots don't understand that this is not about keeping them safe it about every one of us keeping each other safe,it is a collective effort ,honestly we are being asked to stay in our nice house with food ,beer,loads to watch on the telly or devices and you can talk to anyone face to face in the whole world,it is not a fucking cell
If they want to take there chances getting a deadly virus that might kill them to drop them on a deserted island and let them get on with it
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