COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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What I took is that the deaths didn't rise automatically as the infections were largely amongst the younger population but in time they naturally fed through to the older groups and sure as shit the death rate shot up.

Horrible read but I can't help think it's an accurate one. @kaz7
I have been following america closely,they are still at over a 1,000 deaths a day,170,109 in total and 5 and a half million cases,they are getting a lot of young ones now, that are in time passing it to the older ones who then get really sick and die,seems to be a similiar pattern emerging here,unfortunately youngsters dont think it through and so it will continue to spread,our deaths are staying low but i do think a spike is coming
As i posted ear!ier the numbers have shot up since schools and colleges have opened in america so i expect we will see exactlythe same,a lot of theirs have gone back to remote learning,i am surprised we are so bullish about getting everyone back to school,we shall see if that is warranted soon enough
I visited my mum today for the first time since lock down. She has vascular dementia and is in a care home. The staff have done fabulous work to keep them Safe and virus free throughout this. They have been utterly fantastic Each and every one of them.

the visit had to be out of doors, I needed to stay at least two meters away and wear a mask at all times. No physical contact whatsoever. It was lovely to see her but incredibly upsetting. She didn’t recognise me with a mask, didn’t understand why I was wearing one and couldn’t hear or understand the explanations I was giving her. To take the mask off I had to walk Meters away and then she couldn’t hear me. She was upset and getting more and more stressed. We only lasted 10 minutes as she was getting too upset And had to be taken up to her room.

Hopefully, they will allow visits inside soon although I guess the mask is here to stay. Bloody heartbreaking and similar scenes must be happening in care homes over the country.
this virus is so vile.
I'm not particularly close to my mum (I was raised by her parents) but I found her again about 4 years ago, in a care home in Broughton. We have built something of a better relationship since then, despite her dementia that was brought on by alcoholism. Life is short, and some things (if possible) can be forgiven with the passage of time.
It was her 74th birthday in April and the staff sang a very impromptu Happy Birthday when I rang her on the day. It left me very tearful to realise that all those staff, none of whom are British born, cared enough to do that. It was fantastic though.
Hospital data update

Patients in:

N Ireland 4 (same) Wales 61 (- 10) Scotland 248 ( -6). England 523 (-22).

As you can see numbers still falling here despite how few in number we have now got in hospital with Covid.

836 in total now.

It was 924 last Wednesday.

So we had 0 deaths in the entire UK the day panic ensued in Westminster as they ran around trying to close down GM in 5 minutes and nobody noticed. Now we have only 800 in hospital not over 20,000.

You would expect some journalist to be revealing this. But they dont seem to like news if it cannot be spun badly.
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Hospital icu ventilator numbers

N Ireland 0 Wales 6 (+3) Scotand 2(-1) England 63 (-1).

So Wales aside these numbers heading in the right direction too.

Total 71 today - but last Wednesday this number was 80.
Finally the regional hospital data which is slightly less good news for the NW.

Patients in yesterday v today those on ventilators yeterday v today

East 44 UP to 46 in
6 - still 6 vent

South East 57 DOWN to 52 in
9 DOWN to 8 vent

South West 19 DOWN to 17 in
1 UP to 2 vent (they have had nobody on ventilators for many weeks until past few days)

London 89 DOWN to 80 in
19 DOWN to 15 vent

Midlands 145 DOWN to 140 in
21 DOWN t0 20 vent

NE and Yorks 88 DOWN to 87 in
7 - still 7 vent

NW 103 DOWN to 101 in
16 UP to 18 vent.

So generally numbers trending down but NW one of the rare areas to increase ventilator numbers in past 24 hours, South West is notable as they have had none on a ventilator for a long time and tiny numbers in hospital. It was in the 20s for weeks and is even lower now. so a high ventilator ratio and two inside a fwe days.

North West did not quite make it to under 100 in hospital but 101 is still the lowest since records start in March. It has been a new low daily for a few days now.

As for the NW increase in ventilator patients from 16 to 18, for context last Wednesday the number here was 23.
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Hospital data update

Patients in:

N Ireland 4 (same) Wales 61 (- 10) Scotland 248 ( -6). England 523 (-22).

As you can see numbers still falling here despite how few in number we have now got in hospital with Covid.

836 in total now.

It was 924 last Wednesday.

So we had 0 deaths in the entire UK the day panic ensued in Westminster as they ran around trying to close down GM in 5 minutes and nobody noticed. Now we have only 800 in hospital not over 20,000.

You would expect some journalist to be revealing this. But they dont seem to like news if it cannot be spun badly.
if is not about liking bad news,it is being cautious just like everyone should be,take any win but war isnt over
That's it for tonight. Have a good evening all.

But a nice story to end on. Angela Hutor celebrated her 107th birthday today after surviving both world wars, the 1918 Spanish Flu and catching and recovering from Covid this year.

She says its down to a fresh orange every day!
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That's it for tonight. Have a good evening all.

But a nice story to end on. Angela Hutor celebrated her 107th birthday today after surviving both world wars, the 1918 Spanish Flu and catching and recovering from Covid this year.

She says its down to a fresh orange every day!

What a lovely story, thank you ;-)
I have been following america closely,they are still at over a 1,000 deaths a day,170,109 in total and 5 and a half million cases,they are getting a lot of young ones now, that are in time passing it to the older ones who then get really sick and die,seems to be a similiar pattern emerging here,unfortunately youngsters dont think it through and so it will continue to spread,our deaths are staying low but i do think a spike is coming
As i posted ear!ier the numbers have shot up since schools and colleges have opened in america so i expect we will see exactlythe same,a lot of theirs have gone back to remote learning,i am surprised we are so bullish about getting everyone back to school,we shall see if that is warranted soon enough

Kids were back in school for 5 or 6 weeks before the summer holidays with no impact. That was the test, there were no increases so we move on
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