COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Yes, lets get back to the nhs almost at breaking point and 100s dying daily, they were the days. Daft twats.

I'm not agreeing with any post in particular but the NHS never got near to breaking point. The backlog that has been created will test it though.
I'm not agreeing with any post in particular but the NHS never got near to breaking point. The backlog that has been created will test it though.
Not quite true, although it never needed the field hospitals and extra ventilators, the hospitals were very full and the icu needed to be expanded including using some operating theatre icu / ventilators.
Not saying we , at the moment, need stronger measures than we currently have in place. We can’t afford to go back to normal yet though.
Not quite true, although it never needed the field hospitals and extra ventilators, the hospitals were very full and the icu needed to be expanded including using some operating theatre icu / ventilators.
Not saying we , at the moment, need stronger measures than we currently have in place. We can’t afford to go back to normal yet though.

Ventilation doesn't work, hqc does but it doesn't fit the agenda! One day sooner rather than later you may understand
Ventilation doesn't work, hqc does but it doesn't fit the agenda! One day sooner rather than later you may understand
Listen to my daughter working in a hospital helping to keep covid victims alive , or an acquaintance alive after weeks on ventilation or some body on a forum making, hard choice there. The only agendas in your head with other conspiracy bollocks no doubt.
I'm not agreeing with any post in particular but the NHS never got near to breaking point. The backlog that has been created will test it though.
You need to go back and watch shows set in hospitals and icu,listen to what the frontline staff were saying before they were gagged by the gov ,technically you might be right but the staff went past breaking point,many have PDST and a lot still require councilling
UK testing ahead of every nation in Europe, Infections up everywhere in Europe bar UK (we are up yes but nowhere near as bad as France etal), as I said in March lets see where we are in 18 Months (12 Months now) time.
It depends how many students want to go to university this year. I think the large amount of international students that study within the three universities we have won’t come and defer starting till next year.

Interesting that the government is beginning to train up an army of vaccinators, physios and vets will be able to deliver it. The Oxford vaccine data should be out in November no wonder Trump wants to get his hands on it early.
BBC have a feature on the impact of returning students. As discussed before, I think this is an issue because this is exactly the population that is seeing an increase in infection rates.

BBC article on a million returning students

This could be significant for Manchester given that the Manchester population is relatively small whilst it's student population is large (compared to London).
UK testing ahead of every nation in Europe, Infections up everywhere in Europe bar UK (we are up yes but nowhere near as bad as France etal), as I said in March lets see where we are in 18 Months (12 Months now) time.

So infections up everywhere in Europe bar the UK then you state it is up in the UK just not as high as France. Hi Boris
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