What dumbbells? I go to the gym because I don’t have any weights at home.
I do strength training with heavy weights using a barbell and plates with a squat rack. For proper ones with the size of weights I lift would cost a few grand up to about £5k.
I’m not going to be able to put my sofa on my back to squat or deadlift my bed for the next month. I might try, but I’m thinking I’d be likely to break them.
I’m losing out on going to one of the only places I go to as someone who lives alone, a place with ZERO cases, yet schools, places that are accounting for over a quarter of the spread of this virus, are staying open.
If we were actually doing something to really stop the spread of this virus and help out the NHS, secondary schools and colleges would be closing. Gyms have been very safe places with very cautious and sensible members and workers, with distancing and sanitising not seen anywhere else.