COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Quite the reverse. I'm guided by proven science and common sence - not by unproven science theory.
Face masks for example. Our science establishment said they weren't needed. I said they were talking bollox and they were proven to be talking bollox by proven scientific fact.
The same applies this time round with Covid secure pubs and restaurants. Now establishments not following the rules should be shut down, but overall it's 3% of cases are in restaurants and 5% of cases in pubs. Peanuts. Indeed shutting pubs has driven infection rates up as selfish people are meeting in each others unsecure Covid homes instead.
Schools are directly the source 26% of cases and half of all cases in the home our from teenage children bringing the infection home and giving it to their families (a large chunk of the "Other" statistics).
Where one family member works in a care home that gives us another 26% of cases - driven by care workers with asymptomic Covid-19.
The government is not reporting detailed locations visited by infected people as well as cross referenced locations with other infected people. For some reason our wonderful SAGEs don't want the truth to come out that Schools are driving at least 60% of cases.
Hardly surprising as anecdotal evidence from two high school teacher friends and by others on here has stated that Hands/Face/Space is pretty much non existent in most high schools.
ALL statistics should be published so our SAGEs can be challenged on their theories. If you can't challenge scientific theory it isn't science.
What qualifications do you have to challenge the overwhelming consensus of scientific theory?
Doesn't affect me motor mouth,as I am fortunate enough to have a fantastic home gym.I was thinking of others,you might want to try it......
Seems some on your side of the argument are very concerned about others, unless of course that extends to them actually dying, about which it seems they not give a toss. Forgive me for caring about us needlessly killing people.
I am reminded of what I wrote at the beginning of March this year.
Your‘re doing the same as the government though by somehow implying that all the dead would all be alive. Check out excess deaths to get the true picture of what’s going on.
Over 10000 people died EVERY week in England and Wales in 2019. In the winter hospitals were full, as were ICU’s, but people were treated for cancer, heart conditions and strokes, aged dementia patients had visits from families and people were dying surrounded by their loved ones. Lives were remembered and grief was allowed.
Not doing the circuit breaker over the school holidays will turn out to be as stupid as not protecting care homes , sage did their best to get it done

Test the students at uni and send home the negatives ones , stop the transmission and the spread that follows where it is at its worse , cant believe how fucking stupid it was tosend the kids back to uni

As with the first wave , no hindsight required
i was in tesco this morning, and 2 different people didn't bother with masks, why don't they refuse to serve people without masks, i tried to tell one of them, but he didnt understand me,or did but was pretending not to, his mrs had something covering her mouth and nose, fucking ignorance , the other i didn't bother with, she were an older lady and possibly at the age of most risk, so if she doesn't give a fuck about her health then fuck her
Seems some on your side of the argument are very concerned about others, unless of course that extends to them actually dying, about which it seems they not give a toss. Forgive me for caring about us needlessly killing people.
I've already explained my reasoning,it seems you are determined to have an unfounded hyperbolic rant regardless.
Closing gyms,more so independants,will achieve nothing except cause further anger,frustration and distress.

Anyone who trains in such an establishment will understand they are very much a disciplined and respectful setting,and probably one of the safest places you could be......mainly because,if you don't,you will receive a very hard punch to the head.

Unfortunately kid, everone there is pushing as much air and therefore droplets of water in and out of their lungs as possible.
What dumbbells? I go to the gym because I don’t have any weights at home.

I do strength training with heavy weights using a barbell and plates with a squat rack. For proper ones with the size of weights I lift would cost a few grand up to about £5k.

I’m not going to be able to put my sofa on my back to squat or deadlift my bed for the next month. I might try, but I’m thinking I’d be likely to break them.

I’m losing out on going to one of the only places I go to as someone who lives alone, a place with ZERO cases, yet schools, places that are accounting for over a quarter of the spread of this virus, are staying open.

If we were actually doing something to really stop the spread of this virus and help out the NHS, secondary schools and colleges would be closing. Gyms have been very safe places with very cautious and sensible members and workers, with distancing and sanitising not seen anywhere else.

Watching Rocky might inspire some thoughts on how to adapt.
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