COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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i was in tesco this morning, and 2 different people didn't bother with masks, why don't they refuse to serve people without masks, i tried to tell one of them, but he didnt understand me,or did but was pretending not to, his mrs had something covering her mouth and nose, fucking ignorance , the other i didn't bother with, she were an older lady and possibly at the age of most risk, so if she doesn't give a fuck about her health then fuck her
This is something I don't get. You can't get through the door over here without a mask on. A lot of places have a person handing masks out at the door.
Closing gyms,more so independants,will achieve nothing except cause further anger,frustration and distress.

Anyone who trains in such an establishment will understand they are very much a disciplined and respectful setting,and probably one of the safest places you could be......mainly because,if you don't,you will receive a very hard punch to the head.
I've stopped going to my gym, and that was very hard for me to do. You'e right it will cause distress and and frustration but imo my gym was very unsafe and all the ones I've been to have all been very similar.
This is something I don't get. You can't get through the door over here without a mask on. A lot of places have a person handing masks out at the door.
Britain is in a bit of a state with itself at the moment. You ever get grumpy and refuse to listen, stick out your chest and tell em to shove it? Even tho you know it to be at least partially true and of benefit to you, you need to tell them to fuck off? For months on end? Years?

That's Britain.
I've stopped going to my gym, and that was very hard for me to do. You'e right it will cause distress and and frustration but imo my gym was very unsafe and all the ones I've been to have all been very similar.
Was it a chain or an independent?
This is something I don't get. You can't get through the door over here without a mask on. A lot of places have a person handing masks out at the door.
its not the first time ive seen someone without a mask, people don't seem to give a fuck, or have it wont happen to me attitude.

next time I'm going to ask to see the manager, why the fuck should i go into that shop and spend my money when the shop manager doesn't give a fuck about himself, his staff and his customers
Australia seems to have done well. Not sure how it’ll play out when they ease restrictions on flights again. May be an unpopular view but I’d rather we isolate ourselves with flight restrictions from everyone else if it allows society to function in some normality.

Huge government? WTF are you on about? I am simply understanding the fact that if we don't put strict controls in place, tens - perhaps hundreds of thousands - of people would die needlessly. Meanwhile on planet cuckoo land where you live, everything is hunky dory. Astonishing.
Huge government. Corbyn planned on borrowing £100B and you were appalled about the decimation of the public finances, with absolutely no thought for the improvement in peoples lives that might have resulted, the extra years that people may have got and the increased life chances of the young. Nope, it was all about the economy and how much cash you could make. The OBR reckoned we’d be borrowing £372B before yesterday’s announcement, so what it’ll be after another 4/5/6/8/10 weeks of lockdown is anyone’s guess but that’s fine with you.
Hopefully you won’t be on here bitching and moaning about cuts to pensions and pension tax relief, increases in VAT, income tax and NI plus a raft of as yet not mentioned taxes.
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