COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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its not the first time ive seen someone without a mask, people don't seem to give a fuck, or have it wont happen to me attitude.

next time I'm going to ask to see the manager, why the fuck should i go into that shop and spend my money when the shop manager doesn't give a fuck about himself, his staff and his customers
Are masks mandatory inside shops? If so, the shop could/should be reported for breaking the rules.
Britain is in a bit of a state with itself at the moment. You ever get grumpy and refuse to listen, stick out your chest and tell em to shove it? Even tho you know it to be at least partially true and of benefit to you, you need to tell them to fuck off? For months on end? Years?

That's Britain.

To be honest mate, apart from after I have visited the matchday thread, I haven't behaved that way much since I moved to Canada. But I do get what you're saying.
Then you isolate work stations,limit numbers ,and have staggered time slots,as was the case at our local gym.
It will reduce it, for sure, where observed, but you're still in a room with random others, hitting your v02 max and sweating buckets everywhere (and occassionally letting a bit of drool out). That room may only have moderate fresh-ventilation and those big fans are dispersing that shit like crazy. People will have to bite down on this one. Outdoor fitness clubs are a thing across the country.
16 week lockdown in Melbourne to get from a tiny 700 positive tests a day to zero. 1200 jobs lost EVERY day, 30% increase in the demand for mental health services, a spike of over 30% of other healthcare since September, a huge increase in alcohol consumption and domestic violence. The economic recovery will take years, if not decades, and Covid will be back in Australia sometime in the future. Worth it? You wouldn’t imagine so.

The economic recovery in Australia is already underway, as the country is essentially back to normal. They went hard and early, short term pain for long term gain - I think it will be worth it in the long run. I'm actually heading back there in about a week for 3 months and cannot wait if I am honest. The countries in the absolute worst position at the moment are the US/UK and Europe, high cases, high spread and nowhere near getting 'back to normal'. This 'half way' approach does not work, it's either let it rip or lock it down and get rid of it. Australia will remain 'locked off' until a vaccine is sorted, ensure that everyone who needs it gets it and it's job done.

Why would COVID come back into the country, they have eliminated it and require strict quarantine on arrival. They are rid of it.
You cant go on a couple of days , this is coming in waves and you have to act based on that

I feel very down today , this whole thing has been frightening and draining , i wish we had acted three weeks ago and i fear this winter wave will be worse than even i was thinking

No energy to do any sparring today
take care Kaz, this isnt good for anybody. wishing you well. CLB
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