COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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It will reduce it, for sure, where observed, but you're still in a room with random others, hitting your v02 max and sweating buckets everywhere (and occassionally letting a bit of drool out). That room may only have moderate fresh-ventilation and those big fans are dispersing that shit like crazy. People will have to bite down on this one. Outdoor fitness clubs are a thing across the country.
I just find it incredibly frustrating when you see schools staying open and uncontrolled masses in supermarkets,and yet a gym,where many find solice,has to shut.

BTW...there are no fans no AC and only a couple of cardio machines at my local,any risk would be incredibly small.
What qualifications do you have to challenge the overwhelming consensus of scientific theory?
Other scientists both back when SARS1 occurred and with this virus said that mask wearing definitely reduced the spread. Our SAGE scientists first said they were effective, then changed their minds, then changed them back.

I wouldn’t put full trust in our SAGE. They aren’t the only experts in this and aren’t always right.
Given the state of the economy, unemployment, long term health and everything else on the horizon, it’s quite fortunate that you equate living with survival and nothing else.
Not me kid, just biology paleontology sociology psychology etc. People outside the socialist have written books you know, some of them are quite well regarded.

Believe me - I'm frequently found in a state over the future this country faces. But I won't give in to the predictable answers people traditionally come up with. It's usually false succour for the self - one way or another - rather than a way forward.

You're saying, the lives of those who survive will not worth living. I think you're over-reacting, and not accounting for the potential effect of your approach on individuals and communities.

Psychological and social responses to witnessing and being complicit in a society that didn't try to prevent large numbers of people dying, would be one concern. Living, knowing that you maybe only enjoyed that extra pint at the end of the week, because someone decided that sort of thing justified not making any effort to protect the eldery and vulnerable.

Yes, you can argue either way, what is neccessary for us to thrive. That much should be obvious. Neither way will work perfectly. People have unavoidable differences in their make up and outlook. No solution would be tolerable to everyone. What relieves and gladdens spirit one may break anothers profoundly.

Threading that needle, that is life.

Personally, the big problem I worry about is potential long term physical effect of the virus. Shingles and other virii can fuck people up in later life. Corona looks to have a potential to leave lasting marks, and we won't know for sure how severe, until an entire generation has passed. There's definitely reason to at least hesitate before blindly allowing everyone to get a nice big viral load and get on with it.
Old people die all the time, it’s just what happens.

Funny that 'cos my neighbour didn't die today and neither did my parents.

But I guess you'll continue to post selfish and ignorant comments 'cos that's just what happens.

[if anyone is interested in the facts, every COVID death in average takes 10 years off life expectancy]
One thing that should have come in was school pupils and teachers should be made to wear masks in the classroom. At present, while they have to on corridors, they don’t in classrooms.

Pupils sat with 35 people from 35 different households in a classroom for 25 hours a week, with teachers moving from classroom to classroom seeing five different lots of 35 pupils five times a week... and they aren’t wearing masks in classrooms?!

Yet cases and deaths are rising and they’re shutting places where there are negligible case numbers.

Can see why in some schools’ non-Covid related attendance is at 80% this half term, many parents don’t want their kids in these environments!
And BTW, whilst I am here, can I just say that keeping schools and universities open, is absolutely idiotic. 4 weeks of kids missing school and/or having to do homework and classes from home is utterly irrelevant in the great scheme of their overall education, and yet keeping them open drives a coach and horses through effectiveness of the lockdown.

For accuracy, it would not be '4 weeks'. It is 'four in addition to around 16 weeks earlier in the year'. Around half a school year, I believe. This is not 'utterly irrelevant'. It probably is if you don't have children of school age.
England hospital deaths = 137 with 32 from the NW, 35 Yorks and 40 Midlands.

V last week 76 with 20 NW and 26 Midlands.

NW always under reports at weekend.

This is the highest % rise day to day in deaths for some days, sadly.

And a significant rise in the previous day deaths. It was just 6 from the Saturday last Sunday. Today it is 31.
Scotland data:

6 deaths

1148 cases at 7% positive.

1193 in hospital (up 44 in day)

81 on ventilator beds (up 1).
Without Covid, over half of everyone who dies, every day/week/month and year are over 75 and half of them are over 90. Old people die all the time, it’s just what happens.
75 is not old these day , lots of healthy people in their 70's enjoyng a full and active life , what have you become if you think sacrificing anyone for someone else is acceptable

This is also not all about deaths , it is about long covid in all ages , it is about patients in hospital and intensive care beds , it is about long rehab , long term implications being a further drain on resources going fowards

This is a winter of flu plus covid , we needed to take measures to make sure the nhs can function, you would be the first to moan if you couldnt get an appt for something
Other scientists both back when SARS1 occurred and with this virus said that mask wearing definitely reduced the spread. Our SAGE scientists first said they were effective, then changed their minds, then changed them back.

I wouldn’t put full trust in our SAGE. They aren’t the only experts in this and aren’t always right.
The overwhelming consensus of scientists agree on how to tackle this virus. They might get the odd thing wrong but to rule out what they say because of one error is ridiculous. Besides, they know more than you, me or anybody else on this forum. Anybody on this forum saying that the scientists have got it wrong is unqualified, misguided or a peddler of biased misinformation.

Can you imagine if someone was telling people on here not to take the overwhelming consensus of medical advice because one or two doctors disagreed on some aspect of it?, even if the rest are sure it's the right course of action. Well that's what some on here do. "Ignore the overwhelming majority (and it is overwhelming) because hey they may have got one thing wrong once" Crazy..
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