COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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What qualifications do you have to challenge the overwhelming consensus of scientific theory?
PHD in computer science and statistics.
I used to work for ONS on UK population statistics.
Statistics are statistics are statistics
They are not publishing the statistics needed to measure the accuracy of SAGE theories.
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As discussed to death between us i do understand but economies always recover , you cant come back to life

For the last time , i understand ALL of the arguements
i think its fair to say we differ in what we think is an acceptable ammount of damage to the economy.
PHD in computer science and statistics.
I used to work for ONS on UK population statistics.
They are not publishing the statistics needed to measure the accuracy of their theories.
So you have no relevant qualifications to tell the Epidemiologists, virologists and the rest of the experts anything whatsoever then.
Scotland 3 wks ago v 2 wks v last week v today

Deaths 0 v 0 v 1 v 6

Cases 956 v ??? (impacted by lab error) v 1303 v 1148. More evidence of the flattening of cases.

Patients 449 v 703 v 1016 v 1193 - again patient numbers not rising as fast as they were.

Ventilators 35 v 62 v 86 v 81 - this is an even better number.

Good signs now Scottish lockdown is slowing things down at least.
Without Covid, over half of everyone who dies, every day/week/month and year are over 75 and half of them are over 90. Old people die all the time, it’s just what happens.

Ok. Without being dismissive, you are showing all the signs of being a young adult, with a young adult outlook, driven by a young adult brain. It's itching to get ON WITH IT. Get social, get relationships, fuck.

It fears self-absorption.

It's not ready to sit and rethink things. That is supposed to come a little later.

Life will go back to something close to the way it was, there will be more than enough opportunity for young people to buck the rules, take chances, socialise, mix, create new, lasting social groups that take them forward. It's going to be a few more months til then.

It'd be wrong not to dash your hopes - these arguments will not hold enough sway. It's painful to watch people suffer, in dealing with key developmental stages being affected by outside circumstances, being delayed, or brought forward... but it IS something, that once it's over, you won't likely be troubled by much in the future. The best advice is to adapt for the short term: Don't sit around and think about this stuff. Use your time to learn, improve skills and create. Get out and about on your own, if neccessary. Socialise creatively.

It's not forever. It's a few months. Now please consider that if I say I personally wish you would find a way to show a bit more respect to the right of other groups to survive and thrive. None of this was guaranteed, there are young adults who will through the fates of biology and other factors never get the opportunity to thrive and live as fully as you do. And the older adults, who pass through that stage, they don't want to die just because the economy shrinks and they have to stay at home. They want, they need, to look at the grandparents. And the young kids need their grandparents too. Maybe not in the same way as you need to get out into the world and make it happen for yourself. But maybe you don't need that to happen as much as the 55 year old diabetics and heart disease victims need just to survive.
So you have no relevant qualifications to tell the Epidemiologists, virologists and the rest of the experts anything whatsoever then.
Ha, If you say so.
What qualifications do you have to challenge my statement of FACT?
If scientific theories can't be tested then its not science.
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Shame to see the positivity % increase a bit Healdplace. Hospital figures too in terms of new admissions the highest for a few days if I've been reading right?

Still potential for this to go a couple of different ways.
While I understand that this is a pandemic and there is no rulebook to follow I can't escape the thought that this has been mis managed. It looks more and more like the decision to ignore the circuit breaker lockdown will come back to haunt us all.

Dread to think of the personal and economical cost this will have.
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