COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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In times like these, there is only one currency_ human life
They say, in the US, for every 1% unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die. If the same ratio were true here, that’s around 8,000 people dying for every 1% unemployment goes up.
The Germans are doing as badly as we are at the moment. Their T&T system that worked somewhat in the Summer is not working anymore, because T&T doesn’t work if the R is running faster than tracks and traces reach people.
Why let the truth get in the way of a good story. Seems quite apt for a few recently.
Not for me bud, life first everytime
So you dont have an issue with mental health problems rising, suicide rates going up. and other health services being put on the back burner as long as nearly all resources are put into covid. Because that is exactly what is happening.
So you dont have an issue with mental health problems rising, suicide rates going up. and other health services being put on the back burner as long as nearly all resources are put into covid. Because that is exactly what is happening.
So you dont have an issue with mental health problems rising, suicide rates going up. and other health services being put on the back burner. Because that's exactly what will happen unless we suppress this virus.
I didn't challenge anything you have stated as "fact" I only asked what relevant qualifications you have to challenge the consensus of scientists and experts. You said you don't have any.
Statistics are statistics are statistics.
PHE are not publishing location commonality data between cases.
Without it SAGE theories cannot be validated.
Indeed after their fuck up on face masks in March their theories DO NEED to be tested.
N Ireland 3 wks ago v 2 wks v last wk v today

Deaths 1 v 5 v 8 v 8 today

Cases 1066 v 1012 v 896 v 685 - very good signs of the circuit breaker working here.

7 day total rolling cases have fallen to 5011 today, It was 6898 a week ago. And 5285 yesterday. Proving this is a real thing and not weekend fluctuation.

Patients 137 v 228 v 317 v 361 today - again signs of slowdown here.

Ventilators 19 v 23 v 27 v 41 - less so here - presumably tied to the ongoing care home issues there and rising deaths.
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