COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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New strain is a headline. May be a slight mutation, but fact is the R is above one and it's now spreading exponentially. If people behaved as they should would not spread irrespective of strain

Convenient isn’t it just before the planned full lockdown from the 28th. What a load of bollocks we are being fed.
Where are people catching the virus from, I wish we were told. I can only assume that people aren’t being sensible and a big concern is that people can’t be isolating and even knowing they are positive are still mixing with people. Bizarrely me and the other half were tonight invited out for NYE. Given we are in tier three my response to the wife was were these people planning on throwing a party in the freezing cold in a park! My response to the invite will be no thanks and don’t being so fucking selfish. Utter cockwombles I am surrounded by.
New strain is a headline. May be a slight mutation, but fact is the R is above one and it's now spreading exponentially. If people behaved as they should would not spread irrespective of strain
Would agree with that. The virus can only spread if people don't follow the rules. What is happening is that when say a group of 10 get together who are not complying the person who was infected may have only passed it to another four people. This new strain means that they are now passing it on to 7 or 8 of that group.
You can choose to stay in the dark and be fed shit like a mushroom or you can choose to educate yourself. I don’t care what you do either way but your stats are the bollox ones!

My wife and I have been shielding since mid-March so I have had a lot of time to look into the science.

We will just have to agree to

You can choose to stay in the dark and be fed shit like a mushroom or you can choose to educate yourself. I don’t care what you do either way but your stats are the bollox ones!

My wife and I have been shielding since mid-March so I have had a lot of time to look into the science.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

You are seriously screwed up.
I bet you think it's just flu and refuse to wear a mask as well.
Where are people catching the virus from, I wish we were told. I can only assume that people aren’t being sensible and a big concern is that people can’t be isolating and even knowing they are positive are still mixing with people. Bizarrely me and the other half were tonight invited out for NYE. Given we are in tier three my response to the wife was were these people planning on throwing a party in the freezing cold in a park! My response to the invite will be no thanks and don’t being so fucking selfish. Utter cockwombles I am surrounded by.
30% schools and further education, 30% care home, 10% hospital, 20% work, 10% other.

How does it get into care homes? Fuck knows care home workers catching it from their kids most likely.
You are seriously screwed up.
I bet you think it's just flu and refuse to wear a mask as well.

Why do people say ‘just flu’? People saying that are just as bad as covid deniers. There is even an advert from the health service on talk sport at the moment saying as much. An average of 11k die every year on the uk from it the advert says, that’s with a vaccine. I’d rather have covid with being a fit and healthy relatively young person.
30% schools and further education, 30% care home, 10% hospital, 20% work, 10% other.

How does it get into care homes? Fuck knows care home workers catching it from their kids most likely.
Presumably that’s where a significant proportion of deaths are coming from too.
Schools are the issue.I’ve managed to avoid it for months and now all four of us have it. I’ve been on the golf course, school runs and my home office since late Feb. Worn out from weekend work and now we have caught it just when I was due a bloody break. So my younger one has wiped out 30 kids Christmas’s in his class and the elder one was one of over 700 kids either with COVID or told to isolate. I’m based in the South East.
On another note I’ve see so many old people not wearing masks it beggars belief.
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