COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Telegraph reporting that 500,000 will have been vaccinated by this weekend and that next week we will be at 200k per day.

They also say they understand that the MHRA is waiting on some data from the Oxford vaccine group which is expected on Monday with Whitehall expecting the MHRA to approve it on Dec 28th/29th.

They go on to say that the vulnerable groups are expected to be vaccinated by March.

The cost to the business, and the country to Covid is incalculable so once an easily distributable vaccine is available, expect an unprecedented campaign.

The US will also get out of this very quickly because the Moderna vaccine has been approved. And that requires -20 C storage which will enable them to distribute their vaccines quickly. It's difficult to understand why the UK did not acquire the Moderna vaccine in large numbers (unless they knew that Moderna would prioritise the US).
It's difficult to understand why the UK did not acquire the Moderna vaccine in large numbers (unless they knew that Moderna would prioritise the US).

UK strategy was to go for a range of vaccines with different technologies to spread risk. Pfizer and Moderna are very similar, so it's not unreasonable to choose to prioritise one or the other.

I think Moderna capacity is generally considered less than Pfizer, though the extent to which either can scale as intended is a good one.

The UK vaccine strategy is IMO the only positive of our response as a country, both in terms of protecting our own population but also supporting the wider world through development and funding of oxford, and funding of Covax.
UK strategy was to go for a range of vaccines with different technologies to spread risk. Pfizer and Moderna are very similar, so it's not unreasonable to choose to prioritise one or the other.

I think Moderna capacity is generally considered less than Pfizer, though the extent to which either can scale as intended is a good one.

The UK vaccine strategy is IMO the only positive of our response as a country, both in terms of protecting our own population but also supporting the wider world through development and funding of oxford, and funding of Covax.

Just read an article that says we've preordered 7 million moderna doses! Dunno if sumat has changed?
Just read an article that says we've preordered 7 million moderna doses! Dunno if sumat has changed?
I think we ordered these once the results were known rather than in anticipation.
Moderna have received a lot of funding through WARP speed , in all honesty the USA are always going to get first shot here.
Telegraph reporting that 500,000 will have been vaccinated by this weekend and that next week we will be at 200k per day.

They also say they understand that the MHRA is waiting on some data from the Oxford vaccine group which is expected on Monday with Whitehall expecting the MHRA to approve it on Dec 28th/29th.

They go on to say that the vulnerable groups are expected to be vaccinated by March.

The cost to the business, and the country to Covid is incalculable so once an easily distributable vaccine is available, expect an unprecedented campaign.

The US will also get out of this very quickly because the Moderna vaccine has been approved. And that requires -20 C storage which will enable them to distribute their vaccines quickly. It's difficult to understand why the UK did not acquire the Moderna vaccine in large numbers (unless they knew that Moderna would prioritise the US).

I've just read the Telegraph article and they say that the mass vaccination roll out starts in the first week in January using sites at football stadia etc. This will be using the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine as currently four million doses are reported to be ready but Astra Zeneca have said they can produce a further fifteen milion doses in days (I reckon they are producing them already as it is clear it's going to be approved). Regardless of the relative efficiency rate compared to say the Pfizer vaccine the Oxford vaccine had no-one hospitalised or dying in any age group even if they did get Covid. There is also evidence (not proof yet) that it reduces transmission, which would be very significant.

Regarding vaccine orders, the government had to spread the risk as no-one knew which vaccines in development would work and they have done a great job actually in picking winners. Obviously having a UK option is a huge advantage so it's going to be full steam ahead in a couple of weeks. Health centres, pharmacies, hospitals, drive through sites and so on will get through the most at risk groups very rapidly.
Colleagues last night reporting loads crossing Tier boundaries to go on the piss.

Sad as fuck but not unexpected,given the farcical system and the amount of fucking idiots that exist and cant be trusted.
One teacher and two office staff at my work decided to have a girly drunken get together in one of their houses yesterday afternoon to celebrate breaking up for Xmas. They plastered drunken pics all cuddled up on together on the work watsapp group! I mean, are people that thick or just plane desperate. We’ve got one staff member fighting for her life with it as well. I fuckin give up. Off the head finds out they’re in big shit, not to mention they’re breaking the law
One teacher and two office staff at my work decided to have a girly drunken get together in one of their houses yesterday afternoon to celebrate breaking up for Xmas. They plastered drunken pics all cuddled up on together on the work watsapp group! I mean, are people that thick or just plane desperate. We’ve got one staff member fighting for her life with it as well. I fuckin give up. Off the head finds out they’re in big shit, not to mention they’re breaking the law
I'd be getting shot of them for misconduct and stupidity ., there's lot's of people who could step into their jobs I'd imagine at the moment.
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