COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Growing concern this evening regarding the new strain

“What do we know tonight?

PM and senior Cabinet are still holed up discussing new super strain of Covid ripping through South East.

New evidence shows is "frighteningly transmissible" but no evidence yet it will do you any more or less harm - you can just catch it easily.”
They seem to be seriously considering sealing off the south from the rest of the UK as it is spreading so fast that if it takes off elsewhere in the UK the NHS could quickly be swamped.

Those figures tonight when I posted the regional scoreboard were very worrying - almost all in the south and cases tripling in a couple of weeks to produce record after record over the past few days.

In wave 1 London was barely getting 1000 cases. It has shot up in December from not a lot more than that to over 7000 today. The other southern regions are doing much the same.

Wonder if it is what is happening in Wales too? something has to explain why after lockdown their cases skyrocketed.

Their prevarication over allowing Christmas is starting to look more and more disastrous by the minute. I can still see that being cancelled if this is as serious as it seems to be.

No evidence it is more deadly but I guess that would be something we would learn last anyway as deaths follow weeks later.

Not an expert on viruses so I don't know if this makes sense but their purpose is surely to infect and multiply not to kill the host as that is rather self defeating. Becoming more virulent conceivably could be part of it becoming less lethal in a trade off to be more successful. Becoming more lethal would be a bit of an evolutionary misstep I would have thought.
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Kent update (look away now if you live there)

Dartford 140 cases - up from 70. Total cases 3648. Pop score up a record 125 here to 3240. The biggest I have seen today but I have not checked everywhere by any means so it may easily not be.

Weekly Pop score rises from 568 to 631. Very big rise unfortunately.

And Medway 345 cases - up from 331. Total cases 11, 240. Pop score up 124 (just less than Dartford) to 4035.

When I started tracking this on request here 13 days there were 3530 fewer cases and the Pop Score was 2768 - just above where Cheshire East is now (2660).

In that time Cheshire East has risen 240, But Medway has gone up 1267 - making the numbers here over 5 times as bad,

Medway's weekly pop score has gone up from 809 to a pretty awful 835. One of the highest I have seen in England.

Nowhere in Greater Manchester is even a quarter of this.

It really has gone crazy down here last few weeks. So many people I know testing positive
Nice to see that Canada - who have ordered enough vaccines to cover their population 5 times - says it will make surplus available to others.

Hope we agree to do the same as protecting the third world who cannot afford to pay big money and will need help to administer is as important as saving ourselves.

Rich countries should be agreeing a joint strategy now to help vaccinate the world.

Either way we should be making this kind of pledge ourselves.
Canada is a shining beacon on how to look after their people. I've only visited once to Toronto but was bowled over by their hospitality, great to read about their foresight and generosity on the vaccine.
I totally get it with how everyone is feeling in this thread.

After breaking up with my long-time partner in 2015, I have only been able to keep sane and happy with holidays and nights in the pub. All that has been taken away from me and I have been feeling really down ever since. The constant television commercials filmed using webcam apps, stupid made up words like “Covidiot”, every commercial using it to sell their product, pathetic childish memes, the One Show using a house in the “N” part of their logo during the first lockdown, idiots dancing in front of webcams to ‘Raise spirits’, idiots doing synchronised side-step dancing outside their place of work while a camera pans, gigs being cancelled, everything being “virtual”, pathetic phrases like “HUNKER DOWN!!!”, watching cr@p on Netflix..... it’s only so much I can take.

There is nothing I can do, it’s just being holed up working from home, watching TV and haven’t seen anyone in months for real.

I used to take everything for granted, shrugged it off when someone said to me “You don’t know how good you have it, you’ll miss it when it’s gone” and done this shrugging off many times. Now this has happened it’s just horrible and I just don’t like it and it seems like one huge tunnel to travel through until any light is seen.

I am not a fan of Birthdays, ever since my break up I just don’t like them anymore, but always celebrate the birthdays of others. As I turned 40 this year, I made an effort, but got immediately depressed and upset that there was nobody was around to celebrate it with me. If I kept it quiet to myself, I would have not got all depressed.

I had a test recently and it came back negative. I am grateful for that as it means things can be worse, but right now it’s not much of a difference between the two situations.

I miss my friends at the pub, I haven’t seen them in ages although did this year, it has been a while since, I miss the bar staff who are my friends also and I miss my team at work :(. We are all hard working and kind people. To think we were only talking about this virus as a footnote in the office, now it’s a huge deal.

I don’t blame Brazil for stopping their daily figures reporting, as that sends panic signals and worry in a whole country. Sadly the MSM got in the way and extorted pressure.

I have friends up in Swansea who the now ex and I met way back in 2011 just before that 4-0 win on our way to winning our first title of my lifetime. They were on the phone to me last night and compared their lives to living under water in a submarine peering above the sea using a telescope.

I can only know how they are feeling.

I am no “Stay at home hero”, I hate that phrase and am just someone following the rules, doing his job and missing life the way it once was.

I hope you all have the best Christmas possible and let’s hope City get back to their old selves, but most importantly, let’s hope the meme brigade shut up with their stupid cartoons, stop making people think this vaccine implants micro chips and let’s put an end to this horrible pandemic all because some idiot ate a bat and a doctor was accused of lying when he was only trying to stop all this from happening.

2020, you’ve had your fun, now f*ck off and do one.
At 40 you are right in the middle, no sympathy for being young enough to missing out on the early years and probably not much empathy from the older generation as you're in the bracket of not being at risk. However a break up at your age can be difficult and not seeing friends in this shit era is tough, hopefully will be just a hiatus and life and City improve from here.
Where are people catching the virus from, I wish we were told. I can only assume that people aren’t being sensible and a big concern is that people can’t be isolating and even knowing they are positive are still mixing with people. Bizarrely me and the other half were tonight invited out for NYE. Given we are in tier three my response to the wife was were these people planning on throwing a party in the freezing cold in a park! My response to the invite will be no thanks and don’t being so fucking selfish. Utter cockwombles I am surrounded by.
Quite right, me and colleague have worked right though pandemic (commercial deliveries) and both now confirmed having had it. Did everything to stay safe and nowhere had an outbreak but unwittingly could have passed on, we experienced similar symptoms but both hame not passed to close family members. It's a disease in its infancy that even our fantastic scientists don't know the full facts yet.
Colleagues last night reporting loads crossing Tier boundaries to go on the piss.

Sad as fuck but not unexpected,given the farcical system and the amount of fucking idiots that exist and cant be trusted.
No idea how accurate this is (probably not) but it supposedly calculates when you can expert to have the vaccine (apologies if already posted)

So I’ll be ‘free’ next May
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