COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I've just read the Telegraph article and they say that the mass vaccination roll out starts in the first week in January using sites at football stadia etc. This will be using the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine as currently four million doses are reported to be ready but Astra Zeneca have said they can produce a further fifteen milion doses in days (I reckon they are producing them already as it is clear it's going to be approved). Regardless of the relative efficiency rate compared to say the Pfizer vaccine the Oxford vaccine had no-one hospitalised or dying in any age group even if they did get Covid. There is also evidence (not proof yet) that it reduces transmission, which would be very significant.

Regarding vaccine orders, the government had to spread the risk as no-one knew which vaccines in development would work and they have done a great job actually in picking winners. Obviously having a UK option is a huge advantage so it's going to be full steam ahead in a couple of weeks. Health centres, pharmacies, hospitals, drive through sites and so on will get through the most at risk groups very rapidly.
Absolutely fantastic.

Praying the operation comes off.
Even better news if the efficacy rate in extended testing on the half dose/ one dose shot is 90+%.
In fact the delay in submission for approval must have been for this extended sample testing ( sample number and wider age range) ?

This is something I have been thinking too. At worst, no-one in the shot and a half group should have a worse outcome than the two full shots group.
It is good news so I am pleased you find it credible too.

I think most people could have selected the winners but the UK placed early orders when others waited.
I dont usually see good in this government but the lady in charge of vaccine procurement has done an excellent job.
Dr Simon Clarke, a microbiologist at the University of Reading, said it is believed the virus mutation may have increased its ability to spread.

He told Sky News: "It's making it easier and making it happen with greater frequency."

He added: "If we give the virus an opportunity to spread then that is what it will do.

"The more people it moves around, the more mutations there will be. That means more virus, more reproduction, more mutation."

Warning over the short-term, Dr Clarke said: "I think there will be no substantial changes to the way we lead our lives until the second half of 2021.

"I think the claims that it will all be over by Easter were silly and not very helpful.

"We have still got a few hard months ahead of us.

"People should remember that their actions can cost other people their lives."
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