COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Mates grandad has died of Covid, paramedics turned up to his house couple weeks ago because he was having trouble breathing, diagnosed him with Covid WITHOUT a test and stuck him in a Covid ward straight away where he contracted it. Family trying to sue the hospital

Very sad but sorry, I don't believe your mate. Paramedics don't diagnose diseases and a Covid ward is probably the place you're least likely to contract the disease.
Very sad but sorry, I don't believe your mate. Paramedics don't diagnose diseases and a Covid ward is probably the place you're least likely to contract the disease.

have only heard his side but he hasn’t lied - he’s family is taking action with the hospital
Those getting out of London probably live in a one bedroom flat and have waIted all year to go home just like my son who we have seen once since last Xmas.
We were lucky as he came home Friday night but I think I would have been gutted if he was still there.
All those leaving last night weren't rushing to their country pads just kid's who live in London wanting to get home, until yesterday afternoon they were in lower tier than where they were going too.
My mate from Stockport lives a rock and roll lifestyle and his pad is on the old Highbury Stadium. Everyone’s circumstances are different.
Shouldn't mattter, you don't cross tiers unless necessary.

Were they all coming up originally? Some maybe but probably not all.

Did their repatives up north all piss off to london when it went into tier 2?

Yeah finding out you cannot see relatives at christmas is shite, but what happened last night was highly irresponsible by many people who were happy to stay south when they had lesser restrictions than up here.

You make a lot of assumptions without knowing any of the facts.

As for people crossing tiers, no-one said it was the right thing to do. The suggestion that many are northerners is still valid. You have absolutely no idea of their situations. Some could be students who were living in halls and had nowhere else to go, some may be here for work etc..

As for relatives coming south to get out of restricted areas up north, I cannot see what point you are making and on what basis. Are you suggesting people from the North are less likely to go to areas with less restrictions? If so, would like to know the reason. One thing I know, from actual experience of living in other cities rather than some prejudicial BS, are that people are similar where ever they are from.
Mates grandad has died of Covid, paramedics turned up to his house couple weeks ago because he was having trouble breathing, diagnosed him with Covid WITHOUT a test and stuck him in a Covid ward straight away where he contracted it. Family trying to sue the hospital
suspect the Paramedics have to make a decision based on what they witness, there is no way they could diagnose Covid no the spot but may well suspect it. Given he had breathing problems hospital would be the right place for him. Completely understand the family feeling this way though, they must be going through turmoil.
You make a lot of assumptions without knowing any of the facts.

As for people crossing tiers, no-one said it was the right thing to do. The suggestion that many are northerners is still valid. You have absolutely no idea of their situations. Some could be students who were living in halls and had nowhere else to go, some may be here for work etc..

As for relatives coming south to get out of restricted areas up north, I cannot see what point you are making and on what basis. Are you suggesting people from the North are less likely to go to areas with less restrictions? If so, would like to know the reason. One thing I know, from actual experience of living in other cities rather than some prejudicial BS, are similar where ever they are from.

The comment was people are heading north to visit relatives, and used as an excuse for the scemes last night so I asked did northeners do similar the other week when London was tier 2 amd we were tier 3?

Just a question, the answer could be yes for all I or you know.

Would those scenes last night have been there if london had stayed in tier 3? I doubt it myself you can disagree eother of us could be right or wrong.

I have no problem with people returning to visit family over christmas, especially if they are visiting those who have been painfully and mentally affected by lockdown, however if the christmas gatherigs have had to be stopped then people should adhere unless absolutely necessary.

I am sceptical those crowded trains were all people where it was absolutely necessary to return north.
Do we even know that actually happened. I have heard alternative versions that they were welding up alternative exits to blocks to stop people who were avoiding the health checkpoints. We may not ever know what was really going on but it does seem that their ability to enforce rules has proven to be much more effective than ours.
Arent we the CPP apologist?
Of course it happened - not just one residence. Hundreds.
Perhaps you think the treatment of the Muslim Uighurs in Western China is acceptable as well?
Give your head a wobble.
Arent we the CPP apologist?
Of course it happened - not just one residence. Hundreds.
Perhaps you think the treatment of the Muslim Uighurs in Western China is acceptable as well?
Give your head a wobble.
Shirley belongs in the political covid thread.
The comment was people are heading north to visit relatives, and used as an excuse for the scemes last night so I asked did northeners do similar the other week when London was tier 2 amd we were tier 3?

Just a question, the answer could be yes for all I or you know.

Would those scenes last night have been there if london had stayed in tier 3? I doubt it myself you can disagree eother of us could be right or wrong.

I have no problem with people returning to visit family over christmas, especially if they are visiting those who have been painfully and mentally affected by lockdown, however if the christmas gatherigs have had to be stopped then people should adhere unless absolutely necessary.

I am sceptical those crowded trains were all people where it was absolutely necessary to return north.

Would those scenes have been replicated if London was in Tier 3? Very likely. The trains from London to northern cities are often busy. London is full of northerners, in my experience.

I am reluctant to criticise those who were on the train as I don't know the circumstances in which they find themselves. Regardless, they were only given a few hours to leave London, which only made matters worse.

I don't see why this packed train is receiving so much focus. It honestly makes no sense unless other trains, buses, coaches and planes have not been busy.
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