COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Talking sense these 2 fellas either side of old Boris

I am afraid not every one agrees. There was a GP of 35yrs on Granada reports, who said that what they are doing is ridiculous and dangerous. He was at a meeting of GPS yesterday and basically said there was fuck to play. He said basically those guys will not listen to the doctors and pretty much made it clear that Boris and his side kick are full of shit. He was pretty angry about it.

Added to which its seems virtually every other country is horrified by the lack of action in the UK

I make no secret of my feelings toward the Tories and this government but regardless of that, I have to say watching that news conference and hearing what that GP had to say makes me fear the worse. I hope I am wrong but I fear we will fare much worse than most other developed countries and its going to cost a very great many lives. It is insanity.
The current official figure in the UK of 590 suggests that there’s 1 in 100,000 with it. That’s got to be bollocks. I keep hearing of people I vaguely know with it so I reckon there must be tens of thousands. The good news is that I suspect the death figures are probably reasonably accurate so the death rate is probably well under 1%.
I can see there are pros and cons as to how early the schools should close, closing them for long periods of time will cause huge problems for parents and eventually there will be pushback. But there isn’t much that they can do to ignore it.

I don’t see how this timing issue applies at all to preventing large gatherings for the purposes of entertainment. If we’re not allowed to go to sports events until august, that isn’t a restriction we can ignore. We’re stuck with it, like it or not. It doesn’t even count as lockdown.

I can see that at some point they’re going to have to take tough decisions comparable to those implemented in Italy and that they don’t want to do that too soon. But restricting large gatherings now shouldn’t have any impact on their ability to make those decisions when the time is right.

Sid Lowe did a podcast today and they said that after the schools closed all the kids were just in the public parks in Madrid, playing.

That's a textbook example of why they don't close schools until things are so serious that the kids will be made to stay at home.
This is exactly what they discussed in the press conference.

Open air sporting events you're not likely to infect many people. Small convention centre, everyone moving around and mingling, shaking hands etc is a disaster.

Open air crowds don’t magically appear at the event though. They will have arrived in small containers sharing space with many others via road, rail, air, coach also mingling in pubs, hotels, hospitality areas etc.
were all looking and searching for ideas,some make sense others dont,the elderly are the problem here with the demand on the NHS so why dont they lock down care homes, every single care,retirement home 'obiously in a nice way' make sure they dont get it and it frees up the NHS
But people travelling to events is a minuscule proportion of people traveling "packed together inside sealed units" and "crammed on a bus, or tram".

If that's the danger zone, we have to cancel public transport.
It obviously is a danger zone and reducing the risk is better than doing nothing. Part of reducing the risk is stopping events, I f you want to take it further and stop people travelling to work thats a different argument , but some of those workers are essential, going to a concert or football isn’t.
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