COVID Data Thread


MANCHESTER 1536 - Down 218 on day & Down 548 on week - Pop Score 276 (POP 23,213)

STOCKPORT 1156 - UP 66 on day & Up 277 on week - Pop Score 393* (POP 22,314) * Highest Pop Score in GM again today as it crashes into the 22K club after just 72 hours in 21K and heading for another very short stay with these horrendous Pop Scores day after day. Easily the worst Stockport has ever been across the entire pandemic - its best vaccinated status and lowest cases through previous strains seems to have made it especially vulnerable to Omicron. Bolton gained another 126 on it just today to have a huge lead now of 976 - though in these days I would hesitate to call that unassailable as I did with Stockport's 500 lead before Omicron that then vanished in a flash! But I think it really is more likely Stockport will end up with the worst Pop Score in GM than claw 1000 back on Bolton at this rate.


SALFORD 1001 - Down 11 on day & UP 50 on week - Pop Score 381 (POP 23,988) Highest pop score in GM across the pandemic - leading Manchester by 775. Rattled through the 23K club and will join the 24K one after just three days tomorrow! GMs first but soon not the only entrant of 2022.

WIGAN 998- Down 276 on day & UP 306 on week - Pop Score 301 (POP 22,731)

TRAFFORD 791 - UP 36 on day & UP 31 on week - Pop Score 333 to become the latest to join tje short stay car park of the 23K club (POP 23,113)

BOLTON 770 - Up 6 on day & UP 195 on week - Pop Score 267* to POP 21,338) * Lowest Pop Score today AND lowest in GM across the pandemic. But the highest lowest low Pop score yet!

TAMESIDE 761 - Down 73 on day & 219 on week. Pop Score 335 (POP 22,748)

ROCHDALE 791 - Up 122 on day & 369 on week. Pop Score 353 (POP 22,627)

OLDHAM 647 - DOWN 84 on day & DOWN 49 on week - Pop Score 272 POP 22,453)

BURY 528 - DOWN 60 on day & UP 12 on week. Pop Score 277 (POP 22,745)
I'm sorry to hear that about your mum, mine is in a very similar position, terrified by news reports into staying in the house and my dad desperate to go out and making mum anxious. Even the reassurance of me and my GP cousin doesn't help as she hears about a "tsunami of cases" and the like. Wouldn't let her granddaughter and one year old great-granddaughter in the house at Christmas. What's life for ?

Hope things improve for the sake of our mums and an untold number of others.
Yes I hope so for your family too. It’s been a rotten couple of years.

Keep thinking this cannot get any worse. Then it does.

EVERY borough is way over its highest ever numbers. In fact double or treble its worst in most cases!

However, one or two actually fell today. Not Sockport sadly setting another hifhest ever weekly Pop score in GM and still boldly going where no GM borough has gone before yet totaly unnoticed by the media.

STOCKPORT 2321 - was 1221 last week & 398 last month The fastest climber again. And cutting adrift at the top though should see a slow down now as it will go against the start of those four figure cases every day and seems unlikely it can go much higher!

SALFORD 2228 - was 1437 last week & 390 last month

TRAFFORD 2122 - was 1359 last week & 463 last month

WIGAN 2030- was 972 last week & 424 last month Next biggest riser to Stockport in past few days and was number 5 into the 2000s today bit Manchester FELL so still just 4 up there .

TAMESIDE 1998 - was 1134 last week & 393 last month - just missed making it 5 over 2000.

MANCHESTER 1925 - was 1466 last week & 321 last month - a surprising fall here after drops in cases in ast 48 hours.

BURY 1745 - was 1205 last week & 403 last month

OLDHAM 1724 - was 916 last week & 322 last month - another faller today

ROCHDALE 1723 - was 946 last week & 373 last month

BOLTON 1509 - was 933 last week & 305 last month 'Best in GM and well clear as the lowest Pop Score across the pandemic too. Getting Delta early paid off it seems. Though like almost every other borough is at the highest Pop Score it has been at so far in the pandemic.

Keep thinking this cannot get any worse. Then it does.

EVERY borough is way over its highest ever numbers. In fact double or treble its worst in most cases!

However, one or two actually fell today. Not Sockport sadly setting another hifhest ever weekly Pop score in GM and still boldly going where no GM borough has gone before yet totaly unnoticed by the media.

STOCKPORT 2321 - was 1221 last week & 398 last month The fastest climber again. And cutting adrift at the top though should see a slow down now as it will go against the start of those four figure cases every day and seems unlikely it can go much higher!

SALFORD 2228 - was 1437 last week & 390 last month

TRAFFORD 2122 - was 1359 last week & 463 last month

WIGAN 2030- was 972 last week & 424 last month Next biggest riser to Stockport in past few days and was number 5 into the 2000s today bit Manchester FELL so still just 4 up there .

TAMESIDE 1998 - was 1134 last week & 393 last month - just missed making it 5 over 2000.

MANCHESTER 1925 - was 1466 last week & 321 last month - a surprising fall here after drops in cases in ast 48 hours.

BURY 1745 - was 1205 last week & 403 last month

OLDHAM 1724 - was 916 last week & 322 last month - another faller today

ROCHDALE 1723 - was 946 last week & 373 last month

BOLTON 1509 - was 933 last week & 305 last month 'Best in GM and well clear as the lowest Pop Score across the pandemic too. Getting Delta early paid off it seems. Though like almost every other borough is at the highest Pop Score it has been at so far in the pandemic.
I think it is clear already with the unbelievable way Omicron has gone from a handful of cases to a tsunami in just a few weeks that mitigating measures just aren't going to cut it. It has obliterated Delta and it is all over the UK and Western Europe already. Everyone who can get it will do so extremely quickly and that is the end game for this varient.

How many hospitalisations and deaths resulting will be apparent very soon.
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Happy New Year all. And hopefully it proves so especially with the cases of what they are calling Flurona (both Covid and Flu being caught at the same time) being identified abroad. Goodness knows where that can go if some kind of hybrid proves possible from the two mixing DNA. Or if it will be good or bad. Or neutral.

MIght turn Covid on its head in one direction or another like that twerp scuffing up the penalty spot did today for the title race. Nobody saw that changing the whole picture as it did today.

Not much data today at all and a lot of it will be missing for several days because of the bank holidays extending into next week. It will be next Wednesday before everyone is reporting as normal again!
What we do have are two days of Zoe data and they are certainly changing things.

For a start here is the up to date graph with the ongoing reported cases still going up in a near vertical line.

No obvious sign of that flattening unfortunately as it closes in on 2.5 million current cases out of the UK population of 68 million. Pretty similar to the ONS study yesterday showing a record number having Covid in the UK right now and spread quite evenly.

BUT the nuance is a little different as you will see.

Predicted cases go over 200,000 for first time today

Yesterday was a small rise 194,451 to 198, 331 giving hope of a slowdown.

Today up to 202, 345 - only a slight increase on the rise yesterday but through another barrier.

Ongoing cases yesterday were 2,243,022 - UP by 82,167 on the day.

Today cases are up to 2,321,171 - a rise of 78 149 - a slight hint of a slowdown.

THE 12 UK REGIONS (V two days ago):-

LONDON still top but falling daily and have been now for 5 days on 4387 / 4773 V 4897 / 5329

NORTH WEST - in second but rising daily and near going top possibly as early as tomorrow
- on 3745 / 4223 V 3308 / 3789

The other 10 regions are well baxk:-

EAST in third rising very slowly on 2908 / 3256

YORKSHIRE climbing fast in fourth up big again today on 2739 / 3214

EAST MIDLAND fifth and climbing much as Yorkshire (though both less than NW) on 2635 / 3098

NORTHERN IRELAND sixth up next most to NW on 2157 / 3632

SOUTH EAST seventh - like London but more slowly - falling - on 2599 / 2838

WEST MIDLANDS going the other way in eighth - up on 2455 / 2902

WALES down in ninth now but starting to icrease more each day - up on 2339 / 2859

NORTH EAST edging up too in tenth - UP as much as the NW today on 2223 / 2913

SOUTH WEST is in eleventh place and only inching up small numbers on 1932 / 2221


SCOTLAND - in twelth- going up modestly and well below NW on 1810 / 2205

Pretty much everywhere is now rising in the region.

Merseyside is climbing fast - Liverpool now on 37,121 - highest in months - as is St Helens on 37,000 and Wirral on 24,700

West Lancashire (between Merseyside & Wigan) is also still climbing on 30,056

Warrington just crawled back over 20K too.

Further south

Cheshire West climbing daily on 23,581 & Cheshire East likewise on 24, 711



Best (lowest - 'low' being used relatively as you see!) to Worst (for a change):-

ROCHDALE 23,525 - the highest ever 'lowest' score in GM's ten boroughs

OLDHAM 26,181 - only faller today but like most has doubled in past 9 days

TRAFFORD 27,390 - like most places edging up 1000 or so a day

STOCKPORT 28,739 - better here than in case totals but climbing and up 1600 today

BURY 29,363 - looks set to make it only 4 boroughs under 30K tomorrow - possibly 3 given Stockport - 5 is the most ever 30K and above already.

WIGAN 33,456 - been rising fast over past 2 weeks

BOLTON 35,464 - despite being well clear as lowest POP score in GM still VERY high by its level

SALFORD 38,959 - up 3K today and a score that would normally guarantee top slot. Not today.

MANCHESTER 42,287 - only inching up daily now but over 40K here is unprecedented

TAMESIDE 42,746 - has tripled since Christmas and multiple GM boroughs over 40K has never happened up to this week
Only England data due today.

But GOV UK just posted:

Due to a delay in receipt of healthcare and deaths data for England, today's update is delayed. We do not currently have an estimated time for the release.


154 deaths - no comparison as last week was Christmas day so zero reporting

162,572 cases - was 189, 846 yesterday in UK & 160,276 in England & 121, 880 last Saturday in England.
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