COVID Data Thread


CASES 8843 - DOWN 750 on yesterday.

North West is down 975 on the day.

As you see most of that fall is in GM today.

GM 38.5% of the North West total - down from 40.1% yesterday.

Week to week GM is up 675 from 8168 last Friday

NW is up 6448 on the week so again a much below par split of that rise in GM

Most places in GM are still UP week to week but many by much lower numbers than last week when Omicron first arrived.

The rest of the NW seems to be catching up with Greater Mancheser at the moment.

This is pretty much what happemed in London a week earlier.

However, worth noting that after London reached that level it has not fallen much since but rather levelled off.

Last two weeks or so of London cases as it peaked and levelled are:

12,852 - 19,294 - 23,272 - 26,608 - 25,551 - 21,594 - 22,750 - 20, 491 - 27,799 - 26,307 - 26,342 - 25, 378 - 22,348 - 22,226 - 22, 981 - 22,727 - 24, 320 - 24,865

Hard to see anything much in the way of a genuine fall here. It has just stopped risng and may be very slightly lower on average.

North West over the same 18 days is:-

5345 - 7623 - 7787 - 7999 - 8309 - 6833 - 7728 - 8481 - 10,960 - 14,759 - 16,529 - 16,548 - 14,272 - 13,973 - 20,183 - 23,842 - 23,952 - 22,977

If you can figure out where either of these regions will go in the next two weeks good luck.
Makes the ban on UK travellers even more political.
That has already been been suspended and Germany is lifting its quarantine rules for U.K. visitors as of January 4th. Much like the U.K. government’s closing of the skies to southern Africa, it’s more a case of politicians believing that they need to be seen to be doing something in a crisis. I’d be more reassured if they learned from King Canute…
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That has already been been suspended and Germany is lifting its quarantine rules for U.K. visitors as of January 4th. Much like the U.K. government’s closing of the skies to southern Africa, it’s more a case of politicians believing that they need to be seen to be doing something in a crisis. I’d be more reassured if they learned from King Canute…
It hasn't been suspended. UK citizens are not allowed into France either for tourism or business reasons.

I think you are getting confused with the brief 'ban' on UK citizens with residency in other EU states travelling by road through France to a third country. That was lifted after two days as it was illegal under EU law.
Once the NHS are on top of it and spring is coming, I think we should just run with it. Take it off the news everyday and take all restrictions away. I can’t see this ever going away fully but we must have some level of immunity from serious illness now as a nation or those fully jabbed and who have had it will have. It’s time to get back to normal and get rid of these isolation periods. If we need boosters every 6m then so be it. I’ll roll my sleeve up.

It’s become an obsession and it’s scared some people witless. Watching the news every day and seeing people with masks etc is just making it all worse. My mum probably had a life expectancy of 6 years at the start of this pandemic, tops. 33% of that has now gone and she hasn’t been out of the house more than three times in that time. She won’t be the only one either.

I know it won’t be the universal view on here but it’s the way I feel now after 2 years of this.
I'm sorry to hear that about your mum, mine is in a very similar position, terrified by news reports into staying in the house and my dad desperate to go out and making mum anxious. Even the reassurance of me and my GP cousin doesn't help as she hears about a "tsunami of cases" and the like. Wouldn't let her granddaughter and one year old great-granddaughter in the house at Christmas. What's life for ?

Hope things improve for the sake of our mums and an untold number of others.
It hasn't been suspended. UK citizens are not allowed into France either for tourism or business reasons.

I think you are getting confused with the brief 'ban' on UK citizens with residency in other EU states travelling by road through France to a third country. That was lifted after two days as it was illegal under EU law.
Sorry, yes, you still need a compelling reason to travel to France. Still can’t see it lasting beyond next weekend.

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