Covid: Personal views

Vaccine conspiracies were at there height during the first wave, i think they've wavered down now as time has gone and more people want their lives back to norm - only thing that could send a shockwave is when sky news shows a big yellow bulletin that someone has died from taking the Vaccine.
I think there’s a big difference between those who are understandably a little nervous about taking a new vaccine that has been developed in a very short space of time, and those out and out tin foil hat nutjobs like the one below I’ve encountered on Twatter:

There is a huge difference, and it is why middle ground on the whole subject needs to be found but it isn't, the plandemcs have their side, the doom and gloom mob addicted to the daily death toll have theirs. I guess parliment are in a difficult position to some extent. But the problems this is causing ( other than covid related ) do seem to be somewhat ignored.
You start telling people what they should have injected in their bodies and you are going to get a problem. You start telling them they can't have their freedom they've grown up with without it you are going to have far out reaching social revolt. The protests we see now ( or don't depending on which news source you subscribe to ) are the tip of the iceberg. To dismiss someone as a simpleton for not wanting a vaccine frankly says more about you than them, and to not do your own research and completely believe what you are being told to do is well frankly your choice. Don't say 'well the scientists say' because they are not universally unanimous on a) we need mass vaccination or b) Covid is the life threatening mass killer we are told.

And to your last point, simple offer it to people who are vulnerable and at risk first, for most people the effects are the same as a cold or no affects at all, I ask if the affected group are vaccinated ( at there own discretion of course ) why does there need to be worldwide vaccination? Do you not even look at the death stats and see more are well into old age and with pre existing conditions and question why a healthy individual needs to be vaccinate, with a vaccine which currently is showing less effectiveness than the good old immune system? I am not digging you out, I just struggle with the concept that people are begging to have a vaccine inserted in them when it hasn't gone through the rigorous tests most vaccinations do.
What exactly are your qualifications to talk about this?
But the problems this is causing ( other than covid related ) do seem to be somewhat ignored.

Ignored? Really??

Because I'm sure I read something about an unprecedented Furlough scheme and other programmes to support people economically.

And you miss the key point: the countries that have suffered the most from the other problems are those that have failed to suppress the virus, not those who have cracked down on it.
There is a huge difference, and it is why middle ground on the whole subject needs to be found but it isn't, the plandemcs have their side, the doom and gloom mob addicted to the daily death toll have theirs. I guess parliment are in a difficult position to some extent. But the problems this is causing ( other than covid related ) do seem to be somewhat ignored.

You clearly have read conspiracy theories in order to get your ‘view’ though.

The truth is that vaccination has helped to eliminate or stop the spread of various different diseases and will continue to do so in the future.

There’s nothing ‘scientific’ at all about your posts unfortunately so it discredits itself.
You clearly have read conspiracy theories in order to get your ‘view’ though.

The truth is that vaccination has helped to eliminate or stop the spread of various different diseases and will continue to do so in the future.

There’s nothing ‘scientific’ at all about your posts unfortunately so it discredits itself.

There is very little scientific getting talked about on this forum in relation to corona virus to be fair. Last night I saw a meme with baby jesus saying something like he had a quiet first Christmas you can have one too haha.
There is very little scientific getting talked about on this forum in relation to corona virus to be fair. Last night I saw a meme with baby jesus saying something like he had a quiet first Christmas you can have one too haha.
There has been countless links to science, there is more science available from this thread than any news provider I've seen.

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