Covid: Personal views

That's hard going. Think my brother-in-law is going that way a wee bit too. And it's really difficult to know what's the best way to deal with it. Of course it's a shit situation for everyone and we're all pretty miserable so that gives people who are feeling lost an easier slide into looking for conspiracies, cover ups and what have you.
Even despite the fact that for years politicians like Obama have mentioned how the science has suggested it was always a matter of 'when' not 'if' we get hit by a pandemic. But some people will just look at that as more evidence about how it was a plan all along :/

I have no idea how to deal with it. For ages I've just tried to ignore it as he's a bit stupid (he's a flat earther too ffs) and a compulsive liar, but I love him. It really blew up the other day for me as I finally took him on with it all. Bit of a confession this, but thought I may as well be honest as I can't be the only one losing their shit with family. He cycled round to see me and we chatted outside and he went full on 'they can't isolate it or prove it exists, it's a casedemic, it's a plan to reduce the world population, the hospitals aren't full'. The amount of contradictions to his own arguments was insane, but he simply can't see it. Got more and more heated when I pointed out the simple flaws in his argument, to the point where he decided to get very personal and say something incredibly insulting about my fiance (she's been posting things on Facebook that counter all the anti-vax nonsense) and I lost it. Kicked his bike and slapped the side of his head.

I really should't have done it, and I apologised within a minute saying he can't talk about my missus like that...but I'm fed up of him putting my parents at risk (he goes round for a brew) and the insult to my missus made me lose it. I didn't hurt him, he was wearing his helmet and he barely flinched, and I'm not sure I wanted to hurt him either, just was raging about it all. Not really proud, but the frustration was driving me mad. Not gonna lie, it lead to a bit of a mental breakdown for me personally for the rest of the day! All my worries and anxieties came flying out, and 30 mins of my brother calling me a sheep, spouting dangerous nonsense and then insulting someone I love....yeah. Exploded. Fuck this whole thing, fuck these conspiracy theories idiots. My brother included. I hate that I'm so resentful towards him about it.
I have no idea how to deal with it. For ages I've just tried to ignore it as he's a bit stupid (he's a flat earther too ffs) and a compulsive liar, but I love him. It really blew up the other day for me as I finally took him on with it all. Bit of a confession this, but thought I may as well be honest as I can't be the only one losing their shit with family. He cycled round to see me and we chatted outside and he went full on 'they can't isolate it or prove it exists, it's a casedemic, it's a plan to reduce the world population, the hospitals aren't full'. The amount of contradictions to his own arguments was insane, but he simply can't see it. Got more and more heated when I pointed out the simple flaws in his argument, to the point where he decided to get very personal and say something incredibly insulting about my fiance (she's been posting things on Facebook that counter all the anti-vax nonsense) and I lost it. Kicked his bike and slapped the side of his head.

I really should't have done it, and I apologised within a minute saying he can't talk about my missus like that...but I'm fed up of him putting my parents at risk (he goes round for a brew) and the insult to my missus made me lose it. I didn't hurt him, he was wearing his helmet and he barely flinched, and I'm not sure I wanted to hurt him either, just was raging about it all. Not really proud, but the frustration was driving me mad. Not gonna lie, it lead to a bit of a mental breakdown for me personally for the rest of the day! All my worries and anxieties came flying out, and 30 mins of my brother calling me a sheep, spouting dangerous nonsense and then insulting someone I love....yeah. Exploded. Fuck this whole thing, fuck these conspiracy theories idiots. My brother included. I hate that I'm so resentful towards him about it.
Sorry to read that...hope you guys are will be, things will pass. Id say that was an unfortunately culmination of the stresses we are all under at the moment. He is just dealing with it in his're dealing with it in your way.
Sorry to read that...hope you guys are will be, things will pass. Id say that was an unfortunately culmination of the stresses we are all under at the moment. He is just dealing with it in his're dealing with it in your way.

Not really talking tbh mate. He's now deleted me off Facebook lol. I've been meaning to reach out to him but my life is busy and stressful enough as it is anyway currently! I know he's dealing it with it in his own way. He's losing out money from this. He's a personal trainer, and also he hates not being able to hug my parents (and I know they're sticking to it) so hes kinda taking it out on me as im the reason my parents are taking it seriously I guess as I've pleaded with them too. I guess in his mind I'm the one he has to convince. Convince me its fine, he can hug my parents again. As a result he hates me a bit right now. It's nonsense, but it wears me down. I'm the bad guy, and I'm trying to look after everyone. I'm utterly exhausted mentally tbh. Everything in my family always falls on my shoulders as I'm seen as the problem solver and realistic one. Sometimes you just wanna scream though and run away! One things for certain, when things are finally normal, I can't fucking wait to rub it in his face how wrong he was ha. Not that he'll listen of course...
One of the toughest things I've found from this pandemic, is being sat in the office at this time on a friday getting sent pictures from all the work from homers cracking open ice cold tinnies
@twosips That’s rough bud, sorry you’re going through that with family. I think of all the negative things that come from us all being connected through social media, the power of conspiracy theories to grow so much and drive wedges between loved ones is truly the worst. So pervasive and so difficult to deal with once people fall down the rabbit hole.
One of the toughest things I've found from this pandemic, is being sat in the office at this time on a friday getting sent pictures from all the work from homers cracking open ice cold tinnies
There's approximately 95,981 people and their families who would have (had) little sympathy with that I am afraid.
I have no idea how to deal with it. For ages I've just tried to ignore it as he's a bit stupid (he's a flat earther too ffs)
If he really believes the earth is flat I'm not sure there's anything you can do for him bud, that's not being flippant or trying to be funny either. Perhaps time apart until things are more 'normal' isn't a bad idea at this point.
I have no idea how to deal with it. For ages I've just tried to ignore it as he's a bit stupid (he's a flat earther too ffs) and a compulsive liar, but I love him. It really blew up the other day for me as I finally took him on with it all. Bit of a confession this, but thought I may as well be honest as I can't be the only one losing their shit with family. He cycled round to see me and we chatted outside and he went full on 'they can't isolate it or prove it exists, it's a casedemic, it's a plan to reduce the world population, the hospitals aren't full'. The amount of contradictions to his own arguments was insane, but he simply can't see it. Got more and more heated when I pointed out the simple flaws in his argument, to the point where he decided to get very personal and say something incredibly insulting about my fiance (she's been posting things on Facebook that counter all the anti-vax nonsense) and I lost it. Kicked his bike and slapped the side of his head.

I really should't have done it, and I apologised within a minute saying he can't talk about my missus like that...but I'm fed up of him putting my parents at risk (he goes round for a brew) and the insult to my missus made me lose it. I didn't hurt him, he was wearing his helmet and he barely flinched, and I'm not sure I wanted to hurt him either, just was raging about it all. Not really proud, but the frustration was driving me mad. Not gonna lie, it lead to a bit of a mental breakdown for me personally for the rest of the day! All my worries and anxieties came flying out, and 30 mins of my brother calling me a sheep, spouting dangerous nonsense and then insulting someone I love....yeah. Exploded. Fuck this whole thing, fuck these conspiracy theories idiots. My brother included. I hate that I'm so resentful towards him about it.
Fully understand your reaction. My patience is running out with certain friends. I am lucky enough that my best mate here in Valencia is an a+e doctor and I get first hand how utterly abysmal the situation is. He’s the most positive person I know so when he tells me how terrible it is I know it’s really, really bad. We had a friend over last week who was denying it and I had to kick her out. Felt like giving her husband a slap but he’s a good guy so just told him not bring her back until she sorts her shit out.

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